| 27 February 2007 (USA)
Dreamland Trailers

In the Nevada mountains between Las Vegas and Reno in the desolate nuclear testing grounds of Dreamland (Area 51), a young couple Megan and Dylan stop in a greasy spoon cafe where they learn about the Area 51 government base a few miles away. After they get back on the road, Dylan turns on the radio. The only broadcast he can find is a speech from Adolf Hitler at the 1936 Olympic Games. The car dies and a visitor appears from another moment in time. When Megan and Dylan look closely they realize that it is Hitler from the past.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
clayman-colony I'm a big fan of sci-fi and try to watch everything even remotely connected to the genre. This film however was so bad I couldn't even bring me to see it till the end. OMG! One of the worst films I've ever seen! The plot, the actors, the lack of logic...I'm lost for words! Actually - I could make a better movie myself for just $100.I don't understand the people giving this a good review - are you joking or is your taste in films so bad that you actually think this is good? What is wrong with you? This film is pure crap, a total waste of time and should be buried and forgotten for eternity.Avoid this sorry excuse for a film. The good reviews for this film actually made me so angry that I had to register here, just to write this review!
cdd171812 I have to say this is the worst movie that I have ever watched in my life, I cannot believe that I wasted $10 at blockbuster ; this movie should be burned and who ever thought of it has issues. Who ever actually spent money to make this movie was insane =D This movie has TERRIBLE actors and some of the scenes make absolutely no sense. Well, the whole movie doesn't make sense. Also the part where those "men" come into the diner ( department of national securities )that happened to be the worst part of the film. How dare they say Frank Sinatra's name in vain? Also, what is up with those glasses? When the guy and girl are in the car and she "drinks" water, you can totally tell that she isn't even drinking! Also, what is up with the freaky dinner guy. And everyone knows that you don't stab tires, you slash them.
robnkel01 I've seen a lot of films from all genres and i've read many of the reviews here already and i have to say i agree and i disagree. This is NOT a great film, in fact it's barely even good. The plot is generally good and the twist at the end was fantastic, but i was left thinking at the end 'er, what was all that about?' Many of the references to history were pretty pointless since the film is not actually anything to do with them, the whole time travel idea is a good one, but is hardly used throughout the film. The acting was also a little wooden. I am glad i took the time to watch the film, but would definitely not recommend it or watch it again. I only hope someone else takes the plot and makes a different film with a stronger cast and storyline out of it.
quinnox-1 Dreamland started out moderately interesting but never went anywhere except Tedium city. A low rent affair with no name actors and laughable effects, not recommended for any reason. The best thing that could be said is it looks like they really filmed it on location in the Nevada desert. That's it, I can't think of one thing good besides that about this stinker. The finale is supposed to be some kind of revelation but falls flat like the rest. Oh, I thought of one other good point about this cheese, it clocks in at just over an hour although it still wears out its welcome long before then. When the girl starts walking around in the desert at night it seems to last forever and just keeps getting worse from there. The attempts at horror aren't effective in the least. The story is an attempt at a twilight zone style feel but fails badly. Check out "Retroactive" for a good science fiction B-movie.