Dream of a Warrior
Dream of a Warrior
| 17 February 2001 (USA)
Dream of a Warrior Trailers

When Dean a young detective, falls for a woman who seems to appear only in his dreams. When Dean discovers his amour is the real-life daughter of a Dr. Jang and that the been trapped in a time warp, he journeys back in time to save her. But first he must fend off a few hordes of superhuman swordsmen.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Jannis Petersen I and my brother are very big Asian movie fans, so when finding this movie hidden in a shop, I bought this one on DVD, because it sounded very promising and I couldn't wait to watch it. So I watched this movie with my brother and I must say, in the beginning it was very promising. Both of us really loved this brutal ball scene in the first scene. But i guess that was all. There are some interesting fights, but it is not a action movie, as it claims to be. Instead it's a love movie... with the cliché of love so extremely played over the top, even Shakespeare would vomit on this title. Sorry for my language. By the way: The characters act like being picked up from the street and given 100€ for playing in this movie.Well, I and my brother watched it to the end, because we thought, it can only become better. But, heck, it never did. This movie challenged place #1 on my and my brothers "worst movies ever seen"-list, only followed by "Fantasy mission force" - do not watch this either.
hmmdrmike Decent action scenes, but the movie is saddled with a slow, convoluted storyline, nearly non-existent dialogue that leads to minimal character development, and a seriously horrible storyline...Did I mention that the storyline made no sense? But, in its defense, the action scenes were impressive enough, even if they leave you scratching your head as to why they just happened.There's not much else to say about the movie. It's a slick, mindless action adventure that makes no sense whatsoever. It's like watching a worse version of the Matrix and skipping all the storyline and dialogue.
NIXFLIX-DOT-COM Not "confusing" in the sense that, "Gee, this movie is really complex, and thus hard to follow!" But confusing in the sense that, "Gee, this movie really has no idea what it's doing!"DREAM OF A WARRIOR is a Hong Kong/South Korean collaboration, but it's all utter nonsense. A movie about parallel universes mixed in with time travel mixed in with love story mixed in with silliness.The film has the type of concept that boggles the mind. Again, not boggles the mind because it's so great and complex, but boggles in the sense that it's so ridiculous and one can't conceive of anyone ever coming up with such an awful premise to begin with.Nothing in DREAM OF A WARRIOR makes sense, and that's because the whole movie should never have been made. It is quite awful. The only saving grace is the actress who plays the female warrior (not the female lead).3 out of 10.
goldyujo Now I know that many of you who have already seen this will be questioning my sanity, but this is an awesome movie. I must say that it is extremely entertaining and full of unique characters played by a talented group of actors/actresses. Some criticize the film for being hard to follow and lacking any coherent storyline. While at first glance this may be true, the fact of the matter is that the movie is layered with witty satire and clever dialogue. Sure, some characters (re: all) may have almost no lines whatsoever, but the ones they do have are all classic.The film is also visually stunning with its extraordinary special effects and set pieces. Their society is complete with neon lit dance clubs and industrial looking facilities yet at the same time resembles ancient rome or egypt. The duality between this primitive and advanced society is brilliantly played out as soldiers fight with swords yet they contain the knowledge to produce high powered explosives. There are hidden social commentaries as main character comes from a lower class background yet is in love with the daughter of the Great General. Never before has such a forbidden love tale been expressed so beautifully. Somehow this film manages to merge all these subtle messages together while apparently completely eluding many viewers. This is part of the reason why this movie is so great.The acting is top notch as all the characters play their parts quite well. Oftentimes the characters never speak to each other, yet their emotions come through something as simple as eye contact. The plot is a little hard to follow and perhaps a little hard to believe, but that is merely looking at it with the wrong perspective. In actuality, this movie subtlety touches upon such subjects as love, betrayal, and perseverance while throwing in some stylish action scenes here and there.The music is simply fantastic as well. The beautiful scores and piano accompaniment would move any takashi miike fan to tears. The music is appropriately spread from scene to scene which helps to infuse the film with its melancholic and inspirational feel. There are also bits of techno and rock which work very well with the various settings in the movie.While this movie hasn't won any awards, it certainly should. I would dare to say that it is the best korean film I have ever watched (much better then other korean classics like Friend, JSA, Yupgi Girl, Shiri, etc.) and on par with some of the finest movies of this generation. It is extremely entertaining, especially with a big party, and will probably last a long time in your memory. And that is what makes this a great movie.