Dream Home
Dream Home
PG | 05 June 2006 (USA)
Dream Home Trailers

When the Cromiers, a young married couple, move into their gorgeous new home in rural Louisiana, they feel like they've died and gone to Heaven. Unfortunately the ghosts that haunt the house threaten to make this a reality, and as the number of unexplainable incidents rises the family realizes they'll be lucky to get out alive.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
l_mcnl this "movie" sucks A and I think whomever made this needs to go to film school.. the acting was so bad, I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes of it.. I stopped at the fake A conversation at the beginning.. B title? no, more like D title for dumb as F.!! if I could have left a half star it would have been too much credit, so 1 star is being extremely generous. bad acting, terrible editing, the cover depicts nothing from the movie, horrible effects........ my advice, watch something else, don't waste your time with this "movie".. I would suggest finding a new day job for the producers, and editors.. because making movies is not for them at all...
ekimztelk what the "f" was that...Is there really no type of film association out there to decide what can be sold or rented as a movie and what can't? Not to sound privileged but I think anyone who sees this P.O.S. deserves their money back. I got this from Blockbuster and if I didn't already know those Nazi's wouldn't refund my money, I would ask for it back. I made a movie in sixth grade about my dog that had better dialog, story line and closure than this. This is the only movie that has trumped Ghost Lake as the biggest pile of crap. I mean really, do these video stores even give a crap what they're renting out anymore? Isn't this some sort of scam? Did I mention the word "crap"?
morrowrg After watching this horrible movie I have a couple of questions.Who where the people who gave it a ten in the voting? What is wrong with them?Do yourselves a favor and avoid this piece of trash.After attempting to submit my post about this movie I was told that it did not contain enough lines of text (the minimum being ten lines). Therefore I will try to come up with some more words to describe this crap...abhorrent, appalling, atrocious, awful, bad, beastly, dangerous, desperate, dire, disastrous, disturbing, dread, dreaded, dreadful, extreme, fearful, frightful, ghastly, gruesome, harrowing, hateful, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, inconvenient, loathsome, monstrous, obnoxious, odious, offensive, petrifying, poor, repulsive, revolting, rotten, serious, severe, shocking, unfortunate, unnerving, unpleasant, unwelcome, vile
Gymnast_0211 This movie had potential. And then the opening credits ended. I could have made a movie in my garage that looks better than this. The acting is horrible (let's just say the actors took a class in Overacting 101), the script is pitiful, the camera work is shoddy, the cinematography leaves a lot to be desired, and the plot was nonexistent. Not to mention that you can hear people yelling "cut!" in the background at the end of a few scenes. Not exactly the scary movie I was hoping for. Let's just say the description on the box was somewhat misleading. I just ended up laughing and mocking my way through it. Do yourself a favor and save your hard earned money.