Dream Cruise
Dream Cruise
| 12 May 2007 (USA)
Dream Cruise Trailers

Absolutely terrified of the sea, an American lawyer reluctantly goes on an ocean cruise to be near the wife of a client, with no idea of the grim situation that awaits them all.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
trashgang The Japanese entry in the series and yes it's all about vengeful ghosts and yes we do see, sigh, a lot of hair attacking and yes we do have a creepy ghost but no this isn't good.First of all it's a slow builder and secondly the story doesn't grow or stick together. It all starts when Jack, in his teens see his brother drowning before his eyes and there's nothing he can do. We see Jack having nightmares about that fact but it's so stupid like the cap in the sink, that was just awful. Then we move further to the fact that the grown up Jack works in Japan and is having an affair with a client's wife. When the husband needs Jack to solve a problem he asks his wife Yuri together with Jack on board of his yacht to solve the problem, but of course he intend to kill them both because he's aware of the affair. The fact that Jack's brother is being killed by water makes him afraid of going on sea, but he does, once on the yacht he's the big hero, no problems of any kind. Still it's a lot of blah blah before things go wrong but when it does it's all off-camera. Then of course the yacht breaks down and in comes the hair. Guess who, Naomi, Eiji's earlier wife. The only thing that looked creepy was her ghost. But by then it was all too late. This was for me the worst entry in season 2 and this was also the final entry. I thought a lot of Dead Calm (1989) but with a twist of a ghost. Even the ending with Jack's brother returning in the water looked stupid. No, I wont board in again to this cruise.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Johnathan B Although I did enjoy the movie, it was nothing new. A woman with long hair is done wrong and now reeks pain and suffering on anyone who enters her house, oops, I mean space of water. Long hair getting into everything, possessions, did it or didn't it happen situations etcetera, etc. I did enjoy the movie like I said earlier, but I think it is time for J Horror to come up with something new. Expand the genre. Didn't care much for the the DVD extras either by the way. By the standards out today, there is not an excuse to not have deleted scenes or bloopers or separate actor and director commentaries. What the original writer thought would have been nice. Use a camcorder if your worried about extra cost. If Brain Damaged movies can do it, they can too.
preppy-3 Young lawyer Jack (Daniel Gillies) was traumatized at a young age seeing a friend drown to death. Now he's sleeping with the wife (Yuri) of a client (Eiji) in Toyko. Eiji takes Jack and his wife out on his boat and clearly knows they're sleeping together. He plans revenge...but things suddenly go wrong.Starts out as a standard "husband kills unfaithful wife and lover" story but (during the last half hour) it switches gears totally and turns into a very eerie ghost story. Dead bodies pop up--body parts go flying--Jack and Yuri are attacked multiple times--it never stops for breath and gets more than a little scary. Good acting by the entire cast (especially Gillies) helps a lot. Fast and scary--a GREAT "Masters of Horror" episode.
Fedaykin_Sadako I was pretty disappointed in the adaptation which is wholly unlike the story that is in the Dark Water collection. I wasn't asking for a faithful adaptation, it just was not what I was expecting. Also, I wasn't too terribly fond of Daniel Gillies' performance, but the Japanese cast were very good (yay for Ishibashi Ryo!) I give the film an eight simply because Tsuruta-san knows how to work the ghost angle and the Naomi stuff is really good. She's just enough of Yamamura Sadako to bring a smile to a knowing fan's face and is chilling enough to leave an impression on a casual viewer. The CGI enhancements were subtle and effective...the first time I think I've ever been able to say that about supplemental digital effects...and the practical make-up was well-done.Not a bad entry in the series, but I think it should have aired earlier in the run.