| 30 October 2013 (USA)
Dragonwolf Trailers

The Devil's Cauldron, a city where depravity and violence has forged a society in which only the lethal and callous can survive, two young men who possess the intellect and ferocity to flourish, carve a name for themselves as the most efficient and unstoppable hit men. Side by side, these two brothers are the deadliest killers, feared by even the most evil criminals. But when a woman of rare beauty mysteriously enters the brother's lives she blinds them with her sweet promises and turns them against each other, resulting in an epic battle that threatens to bring the Devil's Cauldron to the brink of destruction.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Deny Kurniawan I think the quality of the films presented in this movie is great because a lot of the best scenes in view of these impressions. Dragonwolf it tells the story like the dragon against the wolf which was the best strength to calm him down.But it would be nice if which issued in the form of the action movie genre like this involve other genre of professional players like Stephen Chow, or other actors to make it more interesting and more challenging and watched good for longer.to make the best possible first scene that target destination. For the second scene looking for opponents to play good and the selection of an equal adversary in the final stage where the opponent look lost first leading role in efforts to win new experience merebutkan women.hopefully there is a continuation of the film dragonwolf which tells the same story but different enemy opposing players where, the story goes according grooves and interlocking in the ce
Jack Marshal I have sat and watched some of the worst movies ever from start to finish; even the hookers look beat in this movie. I don't know any of the actors and i am actually very glad i don't, because this is just embarrassing. My Little Pony has better choreographed fight scenes then this movie. I made an account during this film to rate just this movie, as a public service. No one should have to endure watching this. I have made porno's in my garage with better acting, plot and special effects. OK well i made it 30min in to the movie, and I am turning if off now.Dramatically it is getting worse by the minute I conclude that i want my 30min of life back. I would like to sue them. This is truly a very bad movie
halbarad_loire I'll keep this simple. The story is bad, made absolutely terrible by some of the worst voice-over work I've had the misfortune of hearing, and I've played some terrible games and watched some terrible films in my time.The action is choreographed reasonably. This doesn't mean it's good, it's passable. It's noticeable too often and there is too much reliance on fighting, making it seem like it's just a wet dream fantasy of some random guy.This wet dream fantasy is culminated with shoe-horned sex scenes or just random female nudity. Now, granted, this actually is the best part of the film for me, as a hot-blooded male who thought the film was pretty crap. The women were very attractive, but were simply there to be that, which is a shame. I say women, it was just one woman really, and a topless Asian girl right at the end.Honestly, the film is just plain bad, start to finish. The only redeeming feature is the rare, but nice to look at, nudity. That makes me sound terribly misogynistic, which I swear I'm not (!), but it's the truth. It's not worth watching.
James Marshall I have been looking forward to seeing Dragonwolf for a long time.Although there are some things I would have done differently, there is a lot to like here. Though the action was a bit too fast cut for my liking, the choreography by star Kazu was good, there is hand to hand and some weapons and some nice stunts – a good mix. Good effects, well paced, cool music, nice cinematography, some comedy, awesome locations, nice cars, beautiful women. I particularly liked 'the Russians' fight and the RAHU was a bit out of place with the rest of the film but their fight was great ! I enjoyed it very much.