Dr. Rage
Dr. Rage
| 01 January 2005 (USA)
Dr. Rage Trailers

After enrolling in an experimental study on Rage Impulse Disorder at the Straun Foundation, Michael Dare discovers that the research is not what it seems. After learning that the Foundation's head, Dr. Timothy Straun has his own agenda for them, Dare and head resident Dr. Susan Verger team up to stop him. Straun's shocking family secret and twisted plan are then revealed in a stunning finale.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
TheLittleSongbird Admittedly it is a large part of the problem, because the DVD promised something that turned out to be the complete opposite to what was advertised. However it's how badly done execution-wise that is even more of an issue. The only reasons why Nightmare Hostel isn't rated any lower by this viewer is because of Denise Duff, who does brighten up the screen, and the final 5-10 minutes, which were relatively fun. If it weren't for those things, Nightmare Hostel would have had no redeeming qualities at all. Technically it's a poor-looking movie, choppily edited and too dimly lit with sets that look like the movie was shot in a (very, very) deserted factory and make-up/effects that are just okay at best, and most of the time they don't even reach that. The story never seems to find the right tone, it is predictable rather than tense, leaden rather than thrilling, corny rather than fun and far too tame to be scary. The suspense, horror and violence levels were severely lacking, with almost every scene done in an awkward and uninterested way apart from the ending and maybe the sex scene. The dialogue is very juvenile and banal, kind of like student-film-student-who-got-nowhere quality, while the characters have no likability or life and the acting is not good either. John Kassir is wasted, Andrew Divoff also tries hard but can't do anything with what he has to work with but the worst case was Stephen Polk, whose wooden and annoying acting and his rather amateurish script are along with the story and atmosphere where Nightmare Hostel falls hardest upon. All in all, the advertising was misleading but even that still wouldn't have stopped the movie from being a complete nightmare in almost every way. 1/10 Bethany Cox
BloodTheTelepathicDog I have viewed a number of horror films produced by The Asylum and all have been duds. I actually bought this film because it boasts three stellar horror actors; Andrew Divoff, Denice Duff and John Kassir, but director Jeff Broadstreet lacks talent.The back of the DVD case is very inviting for horror fans such as myself. It states that this flick "creates a new level of gruesome, beyond that of Cronenberg's The Fly and Gordon's Re-Animator." It also has a bold WARNING stating that this film contains "scenes of graphic horror, violence and nudity." Well, the fact of the matter is that this film is closer to Curse 2 and Sreaming Dead than it is to the two legendary horror flicks it claims to resemble. As for the horror, violence and nudity... you get plenty more of that stuff by watching Cops on television.Much like the brilliant marketers of that awful smelling deodorant "Tag" the marketers here are the best part to this film. They give us juicy tidbits on the DVD case that lure us in to watching this garbage and ultimately slap us in the face and smile at us while they do it. Bastards! VIOLENCE: $$ (By no means "graphic" the violence and gore is quite tame. The gore you devoured in Re-Animator is not to be found here).NUDITY: $ (This does not fall into the "graphic" territory either. There are two sex scenes where we see next to nothing of the actors; i.e. all the naughty bits covered up. There is one decent scene of Duff's flawless contours but she is strategically placed to keep the moment from being a "graphic" display of nudity).STORY: $ (Wow! What an awful screenplay! Stephen Polk, writer and star, obviously used this screenplay as a ploy to get a little action with the lovely Denice Duff. The story begins interestingly enough but when Polk gets assigned to the hospital, where the story should elevate, it descends into mind-numbing territory. Polk has no business writing anything).ACTING: $$ (Divoff steals the show but Polk's amateurish writing abilities fail to flesh out an interesting character. Polk also writes Denice Duff's role as one dimensional, using her character simply as somebody for him to sleep with. Kassir, better known as the voice of the Crypt Keeper also does a fine job in his orderly role, but Polk, much like his writing skills, is a rudimentary actor at best. His "talents" coupled with poor direction from Broadstreet make for a wasted 88 minutes).
running_with_scissors Let me describe the UK cover for this movie, it's called Nightmare Hostel and is apparently an Unrated Directors Cut. Despite being Unrated it actually carries an 18 certificate and comes with the following warning - "contains scenes of graphic horror and violence & nudity", furthermore the bottom of the cover has the following - "creates a new level of gruesome, beyond that of Roth's Hostel and Gordon's Re-Animator" I think they got the wrong movie!Violence & Horror? very, very little. Nudity? None.Avoid it at all costs, it's complete s**t!
Michael O'Keefe Almost worth donkey dung. Based on actual events. Get real. A taxi driver, Michael Dare(Stephen Polk),accidentally harms a homeless man and instead of going to jail, his attorney(Karen Black)talks him into entering an anger management program. The program is carried out by Dr. Timothy Straun(Andrew Divoff), aka Dr. Rage, in an abandon warehouse. The beautiful Dr. Verger(Denice Duff)is his assistant that actually administers the treatments. Treatments? Painful injections that could possibly lead to torture and mutilation...in the name of medical research. Special effects; nothing special. Fear and interest factor are the same...none. Duff is the only reason to watch. Divoff is over the top to the point of being comical. Polk is credited with screenplay as well as producer.