Down Twisted
Down Twisted
| 01 March 1987 (USA)
Down Twisted Trailers

A naive, good-hearted Los Angeles waitress does not think twice about helping her troubled roommate. Unfortunately, her help lands her in Central America fleeing for her life with a grungy mercenary.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Steineded How sad is this?
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Stephen Thomas OK, so you probably already know it's not on the leader board for best movies of the decade. But, really, it is a fun movie. If you like campy comedies you will really like this one. Sure its a bit predictable, sure it doesn't have a-list stars, sure it requires willing suspense of disbelief, but come on, if you look at the cast and director, what more can you expect. Charles Rocket does a fine job as the bumbling hero and everyone else fills in the necessary protagonist and antagonist roles. Give it a chance. You remember Evil Dead? Stakeout? Big Trouble in Little China? As long as your expectations aren't too high you won't be disappointed.
Frank Markland Charles Rocket and Carey Lowell star as a bickering couple who must fight off the usual villains sent by a stonecutters-like underground who want a priceless artifact and are willing to kidnap and kill for. Lowell is the damsel in distress and Rocket is the knight in shining armor and the audience is bored with all of it. Keep in mind I haven't seen all of Pyun's works but I highly doubt any movie is as bad as this, watching infomercials provide more entertainment than this thing. In fact the movie is just tough to sit through, Down Twisted is so padded and uninspired you sense that nobody was interested in the material. In fact it's played so by the numbers and in neutral that one can't believe this is an adventure. Whatever this debacle is supposed to be, it's definitely not interesting and it's a must not-see!1/2* out of 4-(Awful)
munsonn One of the best art theft genre movies ever made. Lots of back stabbings with double-crossings, triple-crossings, and quadruple-crossings galore.However, it's a very 1980's movie, and didn't age well, which probably accounts for it's contemporary unpopularity. A remake would be immensely popular.For years, the only way to see Down Twisted was to catch it late at night on Cinemax. The movie was not available on VHS (except for $100 rental store copies), and isn't currently available on DVD, so you'll have to beg AMC to broadcast it.If you can find it, it's well worth the viewing.
Wizard-8 Well, you expect it to be bad, and this particular Pyun movie is no exception. About the best that can be said about it is that the photography is somewhat improved, and you can occasionally see signs that SOME money was spent. Though it was clearly still an economic shoot, considering the number of close-ups and scenes that seem to have been very quickly set up.The rest of the movie is a dull slog through the ugliest Mexican locations Pyun could find, and a story that's particularly incoherent. In his defense, there are signs that the movie was cut up from a longer version, since some stuff that occurs in the movie seems to come out of nowhere. "Down Twisted" was apparently geared as a major release, but it seems that Cannon dumped this directly to video (or, at the very most, gave it a release in one or two cities.) For one thing, about THREE YEARS passed between the year it was made and the year it appeared on video.Albert Pyun.... Please, please, PLEASE stop making movies! You can't direct! You're an awful director (and screenwriter)! You're the Ed Wood of the 21st Century. Well, I'll take back that last remark, because as bad as Wood's movies were, he at least made them entertaining and easy to sit through!