Double Dagger
Double Dagger
| 15 July 2008 (USA)
Double Dagger Trailers

Alvaro is the owner of what used to be the most prominent jewelry store in Los Angeles. Now, he faces bankruptcy and the loss of an empire that took him years to build. In the past, he was a famed international thief and now he is planning the biggest heist of his life.

Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Touchstone86 I just did not enjoy this movie at all. Waste of time. Acting was kind of like someone just read it and put little emotion into it. The way the movie was filmed felt very soap opera like. Like some of the other comments before me the plot was bad and to me not really plausible. It also felt like typical stereotypes. It really does feel like a bad indie film meaning low budget/ no budget and below par everything. In order for any film to have any success even low budget films it needs to have plot, acting, directing, editing, camera and audio work and I could not find it in this movie at all. I am sorry for this part but if any people are Pablo veliz's fans or friends he is not a director nor a writer. He is a salesman and that is how he gets his movies made.
applecore this movie is a fun watch if you are not in the mood for anything super intellectual or stimulating. it's definitely an indie, so you will need to bear with it through some parts, but i think it's worth it. there are some parts that are pretty silly, but the movie does not take itself too seriously.the characters are all pretty interesting, and you find yourself rooting for the bad guys just because they seem like ordinary dudes. there are some crazy twists that may keep you guessing just who the bad guys's kinda pulp fiction-y and stylized, but there are some real emotional moments. some of the dialogue is a bit stiff, but there are pretty funny jokes in there as well. if you want a stress free laugh, check it outoh and the music is great!
sutherpg possibly the worst plot/ acting i have ever seen in a movie. the budget must have been very low on this film because everything from the lousy wrestler masks to the outdated plot reeks of a third world country. The acting is what annoyed me the most because they act like they are acting, and they are not believable for the single second. for those of you who have enough self-control to sit through until the end, you will be disappointed because the last scene is possibly one of the worst.I was disappointed too with the different characters that showed up throughout the movie, such as the "Don" who appears to be a Mexican attempting to impersonate what is supposed to be a mafia godfather, but he looks more like a failed fashion designer. My last comment has to be about the dialogue. This has to be the worst dialogue i have ever seen. i won't give any examples here but it is ridiculous. Last but not least, there is a crystal meth dealer that appears in the film. His performance is so bad i started laughing when i saw it his southern accent in the middle of L.A. is simply so bad. All in all this is a great movie if you have never seen a movie before. otherwise this movie is so bad you could turn it into a comedy.
meltingsmoke I was surprised to see no comments on this movie yet but now after trying to watch it I can see why, I feel asleep before the movie was over and this was mid afternoon lol, extremely boring and uneventful movie.The plot isn't original or that entertaining but I am willing to set that aside, it was mostly the poor cast of actors and their lact of any acting abilities that I think really bring the movie down. It probably couldn't have been any worse if they were reading off cue cards the entire time, in some cases they may have been.Anyway It won't be a movie I recommend unless your having trouble sleeping and don't mind suffering through the movie until you go out.