Double Bunk
Double Bunk
| 16 November 1961 (USA)
Double Bunk Trailers

When newly weds Jack and Peggy face eviction, they are tricked into buying a run down houseboat. After rebuilding the engine, they take their friends Sid and Sandra, on a local trip down the river to Folkestone, but somehow they end up in France, and with no fuel and supplies, they resort to desperate actions to get back home.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Leofwine_draca What a great little film this is! It's a British comedy starring various alumni from the CARRY ON franchise, and one which takes place almost entirely on a houseboat. The film stars the hardworking Ian Carmichael and the elfin Janette Scott as a newlywed couple who through various machinations of the plot decide to go on a short cruise with a friend and his girlfriend; the usual hijinks and hilarity ensue.Films like DOUBLE BUNK seem to get by on their effortless charm and genuine humour. Certainly there are a few saucy moments here, but the film for the most part belongs to an earlier, cleaner time in which the laughs feel unforced and entirely natural. And when your film is chock full of seasoned comic performers as it is here, it's hard to go wrong.Inevitably for a film with Sid James in a leading role, he ends up stealing all of the best bits. You can rely on Sid, and he doesn't disappoint. Scott is saddled with a fairly dull 'straight' role although she does have a few good moments - and check out those shorts! - but the best female performance comes from Liz Fraser, playing your usual sex siren. Here, she's a striptease artist, and as well as being breathtakingly gorgeous she's very funny too.The supporting cast is exemplary. Dennis Price essays the caddish role with ease, while Naunton Wayne's cameo was to be his last performance. Watch out for Miles Malleson as a fishing vicar, and another nice cameo from Irene Handl, who seems to spend all of her screen time in the kitchen! There's plenty of slapstick humour here, and it all holds together very nicely. I think that as a film, DOUBLE BUNK certainly holds its own against the CARRY ONs of the era.
howardmorley When I was in hospital in 1957 my bed radio played the comedy "Take it from Here" in which a couple named "Ron" (Wallis Eaton) and "Eff" (June Whitfield) were featured.The producers of Double Bunk (1961) worked these two radio characters into the screenplay twice by portraying them hidden in a punt with a canvas cover over them so that the viewer could retain the mental image of them that they had "seen in their mind's eye" from the radio comedy which I believe Frank Muir & Dennis Norden had written.Another character I recognised from my youth was Gerald Campion who played "Billy Bunter" from the BBC TV children's programme of the 1950s.If you have followed the career of Naunton Wayne he makes a rare solo appearance, minus Basil Radford, playing a harbour master who is side-tracked by the ample charms of a young Liz Fraser.Also on display is comedienne Irene Handel playing a frumpy wife of the previous owners of the houseboat from whom Ian Carmichael & Janette Scott newly weds have purchased it in lieu of a house.In early post war Britain couples had a hard job finding marital accommodation because of blitzed buildings and general strict financial circumstances.The other reviewers have adequately commented on the plot of this very British comedy where each well known actor/actress plays well trodden & familiar roles known by a British audience.The uppermost question occurred to me watching this film on was surely one has to show proficiency by the marine equivalent of the driving test before you can be let loose on the river.But of course the resulting slapstick forms the basis of the film comedy.
mortlich Like another reviewer, I watched this film because it was a British comedy from a "good" era, when a lot of excellent British comedy was being produced, and this one promised well, as it contained proved stars such as Liz Fraser, Dennis Price and Sid James, as well as Ian Carmichael....but be warned - this is not even half as funny as "School for Scandal", for example, or "The Naked Truth", or even "Carry On Screaming", with the plot full of contrived humour and situations that are just simply not funny, though they are obviously meant to be. It was a strain to continue watching it to the I gave up on it before then, considering it beyond rescue.
crossbow0106 This is a story about Jack and Peggy (Ian Carmichael and Janette Scott) who get thrown out of a rooming house for being in the same room together. They end up buying a somewhat dilapidated houseboat. enter Sid James playing a man named Sid who offers to sail the boat as part of a honeymoon for Jack and Peggy. He brings along Sandra, the always welcome Liz Fraser. After wreaking havoc with other leisure boaters they get stuck in a fog and end up in France. They have to get back and end up racing another boat owned by Watson, who was charging Jack and Perry ridiculous rent to keep the houseboat in the harbor in England. This is a fun film which gets better as it goes along. There is some slapstick and, since Sandra is a stripper, a little titillation but not much. Sid James plays a character we've seen him play so many times, the wise cracking friend not always up to complete good. I miss him a lot in films. If you like British humor that doesn't rely on tawdriness, just a decent plot with good performances, here it is. I don't think you will be disappointed.