Don't Look Down
Don't Look Down
PG-13 | 28 October 1998 (USA)
Don't Look Down Trailers

After a terrible accident, Carla develops a debilitating fear of heights. She joins a counseling group headed by Dr Paul Sadowski, an unconventional therapist who presses people to confront their fears. However, his methods come into question when his patients begin to suffer mysterious accidents.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
GazerRise Fantastic!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
blanche-2 Let me start off by saying I am not a Wes Craven fan nor a fan of the horror genre, so I can't judge this in terms of Wes Craven. I do know it's atypical of him, having sat through half of one of his films which is now banned.Spectacular scenery highlights "Don't Look Down," about a young woman who witnesses the horror fall which results in the death of her beloved sister. She joins a group to get over her resulting fear of heights. Unfortunately the members of the group start ending up dead.The denouement of this film was guessable from the first frame. The performances are decent and the setting is truly gorgeous. It's certainly entertaining. I caught this on Lifetime where I've seen much worse. I think with films like this, it makes a difference whether you see it in a theater, rent it, or catch it for free. I say wait and catch it for free.
Joseph P. Ulibas Don't Look Down (1998) is a terrible made-for-t.v. "cherry" movie disguised as a horror film. Wes Craven is even credited as a producer of this analog tripe. Dude, don't be fooled by Wes Craven's name or by the bloody cover. If you do then you're stupider than you look.A "young" lady is nearly killed in a freak accident. Her "sister" takes the "fall". For the next few days, the girls spirit comes back to play tricks on her (or does it). She decides to seek professional help after a mental breakdown. Whilst in a therapy group she meets a "doctor" who has very strange methods of curing people of acrophobia. But something or someone is out there targeting the poor girl. Can she solve the problem of her dilemma before it's too late?This movie is not as interesting as the brief synopsis. A bad attempt to make a cliché ridden horror film (I use the term horror very loosely in this movie). Please for the love of Pete don't watch this movie. Life is too short to waste one's time and effort on crap like this. Go for a walk, read a book or find a new hobby instead of watching this garbage. movies that make me angry or mad get an automatic failing grade.Find something else to watch
Merely Seeing the name Wes Craven here, I was expecting far more in the way of horror if not suspense. Disappointed on both accounts. In a word, silly. The acting was extremely bad with second rate, basically unknown, actors. I'm undecided as if it was the story that was lacking and Meryl Streep could have made it quite interesting, or if it was just a terrible plot and an uninspired director. Either way, don't say you haven't been warned. Better to spend those 2 hours of your life rewatching one of your favorite movies. Try Alfred Hitchcock.
TheDeaderman I recorded this way back then on ABC and all i have to say is:WHY WES? Why make this cliched piece of drivel? Makes you glad he did the Nightmare movies. And especially the villian of this movie. WAY over the top.
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