Don't Let Him In
Don't Let Him In
| 12 June 2011 (USA)
Don't Let Him In Trailers

Two couples spend a weekend in the country, only to cross paths with a brutal serial killer. As the body count rises, suspicion spirals into paranoia, climaxing in a terrifying battle for survival.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Michael 'Hallows Eve' Smillie The only reason I watched it is because I paid $4 to see it (and I feel ripped off). So I put a scratch through it and took it back and said I couldn't watch it so they said I could get a replacement movie for free. I win. :) This movie had it all, bad acting, cliché storyline, and you have no interest for the characters. I couldn't wait to see them die. I watched this up to the end just to see if it got any better at some stage... and I'm still waiting for it to get better! This is a case of where the cover looks good... and that's all that is good, apart from some of the death scenes. But a good death scene does not a movie make as they say. There is a cool eye scene though, you'll know what I mean if you have already seen it. So in summary, I thought it was *expletive* and give it a 2 out of 10, ONLY because it had a couple of okay bloody scenes.
Boba Phil Saw this at random, didn't know anything about it. I don't usually write any reviews, but I had to for this, since it was so awful! From the first few minutes, I could tell that the actors were terrible and the script was awful! I have honestly seen better acting and production values in a home movie. I was surprised at how long the end credits were, I thought it was going to have things like 'Sound by my Uncle Terry' and 'Blood Provided by Heniz'.From the outset, you know who the killer imagination there. There is one 'plot twist' that was original, but the rest of it was as cliché as they come. In fact, I was laughing out loud at how bad some of them were.This is a real testament to why British cinema isn't doing very well!
Nuno Correia Well, to start I must say that it is my first rewie and it wanted to start for a film that I hated, that it gave me mourning . Bad actores, a a awful producer to say the least.Before starting to write I was to see what my friends in IMDb had written here on this film, and with my astonishment most of them liked! WTF?!?! I ask,how is that even possible!All the scenes badly carried through, a sloppy and irresponsible film. When i watched the trailer I thought to myself, " well this film goes to be a cool low-budget horror movie" , LIE, LIE!Loss of time for who appreciates a good film!Don't let him in you your TV!
Andy Mindel The movie grabs you right from the start and takes you on a ride filled with u-turns and questionable motives.Don't let him in is more psychological than gore and much is left up to your imagination which for me makes the whole thing a lot scarier.The sound and cinematography are also excellent and helps to immerse you into the world of this serial killer.The one negative I had about the movie is that not all the actors were engaging for me. The two leads are captivating but unfortunately I think a couple let the movie down a little.It's not for everyone. If you're looking for a relaxing Sunday or If wonderful life is your movie of choice then I'd probably give it a miss! If you're in the mood to be scared and a little creeped out then this movie will probably be for you.