Doggy Poo
Doggy Poo
| 25 June 2003 (USA)
Doggy Poo Trailers

After being "created" by a dog, Doggy Poo meets various living and inanimate things. No one wants to be his friend, and Doggy Poo becomes sad as he tries to find his purpose.

Ploydsge just watch it!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Horst in Translation ( "Doggy Poo" is a South Korean animated short film that runs for a bit over half an hour including credits. The director and co-writer here is Oh-Sung Kwon and he made this back in 2004, so next year it will have its 15th anniversary. For him as well as most other people who worked on this one, it is their only career effort. Maybe the subject of talking dog poo really hurts your career if it' the only credit you got. But it's not a failure all in all, but still there are major weaknesses. It is truly a bit gross there is no denying. Maybe Pixar or Disney could have made us forget about that, but Itasca cannot. Completely aside from that, the film dragged a bit and that's not good at all if it happens at this runtime already. The voice actors are tolerable, nothing more. As you can see from the cast list here on imdb, there is of course an English dub out. This is not anime, but judging from the animation you'd definitely not locate this one in Asia. It looks very western (not the genre obviously), very American. Another problem is that the film never really makes up its mind if it wants to be for kids only or for grown-ups mostly. Sometimes it is so childish and simple, while at other moments it tries to go for emotion and depth that is definitely above the little ones. All in all, I must say that I cannot be too sad that Kwon has not returned to filmmaking afterwards judging from the quality here. With all the time passed, chances are he probably never will. This film is not a piece of s*it/crap (pun indeed intended!) oh yes I went there, but also not close to being good enough for me to recommend the watch here. My suggestion is you skip these 30 minutes and watch something else instead.
Pretentious_crap The extrusion of Doggy Poo from the dog's anus tied my stomach into knots, I was so awe stricken as Doggy Poo realized that it had a conscious. The knots in my stomach started to intensify and pang as the ox drawn cart threatened to flatten our hero and it's friend as they discussed their purposes in life. There are many similar incidents in this film that will make you wriggle in your seat, as Doggy Poo interacts with other characters to discuss the meaning of life.Digesting this film might be difficult for children as the subject matter is indeed existential, and you may think it's too radical as the dialectical tendencies reduce the subject matter to it's most basic components. Luckily the film only clocks in at thirty-minuets, which is short enough to prevent the child audience from becoming too agitated.I don't want to spoil the end of the film for you, but you will feel that a great weight has been expelled from you as our main character discovers their purpose in life. You may even feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the film.
MartinHafer This is about the weirdest kids DVD I have ever seen. Although it's listed as being for ages 3 and up, many adults will find they are strangely attracted to this incredibly cute DVD,...about dog poo!! The Korean makers of this film have managed to instill a wonderful little personality into this,..."character". I think a lot of it was due to the excellent claymation but most of the reason it's so gosh darn endearing are the adorable voice actors. I looked at both the original Korean as well as the English language version on the DVD and both were incredibly high on the cute factor (though the Korean one is a bit better)! The music is awfully good, too. If you buy this for your kids, don't be surprised if you see it and become hooked too. What genius--being able to take such a repellent thing and turn it into gold. Nice job.By the way, the Korean version has a song that is NOT on the American version. This song is great and I loved listening to the little Korean boy singing--so I preferred this version over the English one.
bdoty The animation quality of this feature is sub-par at best. That being said this low quality animation is the highlight of the film as it is at least passable and not complete junk like the story. The story has a strong focus on God and his role in the life of poo. I would think that this would be offensive to both the religious and non-religious types. I can understand how some people might think this film was a good to introduce your children to the idea of death and how to deal with it, but there is a huge problem with that notion. THE FILM IS ABOUT POO. Your children won't be able to stop laughing. If anything this film will belittle death and warp your children's notions of it. If you, as a parent, cannot confront your child about this subject matter, please do not use this film to do so. Find another, more able minded, adult to do it. This way your child will grow up normally and without the mental distress this film would have caused them. Just my 2 cents.