Doctor Who: Twice Upon A Time
Doctor Who: Twice Upon A Time
| 25 December 2017 (USA)
Doctor Who: Twice Upon A Time Trailers

This Christmas, the Doctor, the Doctor and Bill will return in "Twice Upon A Time".

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
samuel-lewis12 It was the end of an era for doctor who, other than a new doctor it's was the end of Steven Moffat and the end of doctor who as we know it. I was expecting it to go out on a bang, but it didn't, the first doctor was a stupid mistake and a complete mockery of hartnells doctor. Since when was the first doctor sexist and the twelve doctor pc gone mad (apparently women can't clean anymore). Other than that I thought that this episode had a boring plot, poor cgi and just a terrible episode. It would have been so much better if davros was behind the plan instead of rusty, no one really liked that episode and most regular non fan viewers will have forgotten about the episode so wouldn't have a clue what's going on! The music was recycled the twelve doctor wasn't the one I knew and was just there to suddenly talk about feminism which he hasn't really talked about before but as it's a female doctors first episode, you have too. Bills character also felt pointless and ruined her departure from The Doctor Falls. Clara's cameo could have been executed better and a montage of there travels would have improved the scene even more, I would not recommend this episode to anyone.
fcabanski Capaldi was a 10. He was brilliant, as always, as the Doctor. Everything else - crap.The portrayal of the First Doctor had nothing but the look. It was an empty shell as the actor captured few of Hartnell's mannerisms, and the character served no purpose other than to highlight the reimagined morality of Doctor Who.In this, Doctor 1 is a sexist fool. They prove it by having him treat Horse Faced Biww like he treated his granddaughter. Not that it's sexist to treat a granddaughter like a child. The writers made sure we knew Doc 1 was a cad by having Capaldi's doc express horror at Doc 1's attitude towards Biww.Anyone who saw any of the Doc 1 episodes know the reimagining of him as a sexist fool who hasn't yet developed a passion for helping people is ridiculous. Doc 1 often insisted on helping people when others wanted to get back in the TARDIS to leave. But in SJW reimaginings, everything from the past is wrong and bad.Speaking of Biww, this episode included an obligatory "Biiww declares she's gay" scene. It also had lots of the actresses horrid acting - she uses the same horrified face to show fear, love, sadness, any emotion.The overall message is everything is relative, so if we'd just stop fightiong the world would be like a fairy tale. That ignores that fairy tales are most often good vs evil rather than moral relativity/ There is evil in the real world, and Doctor Who used to have a message of fighting that evil. If the cause is good, fighting doesn't corrupt the fighter.But now the "War Doctor" is only about peace.Tell that to the people liberated from concentration camps and to people saved from Hitler's tyranny. It was people with guns, fighting and doing violence for good,. who made WW2 end up like a fairy tale - evil vanquished, good people saved.But in reiimagined Who where gender is backwards, so the Doctor has to be a woman; it's so great that Biww is gay that she has to declare it every episode; and there are generally no protagonists the only good is in recognizing that everyone is the same - there is no evil, it's all relative.Evil works hard to make people think that. Doctor Who has gone from being a fairy tale full of good overcoming evil to a nightmare of SJW, leftist drivel.One more thing - the companion who saved every Doctor in every story, who's more important than the Doctor, Clara is back in a short cameo at the end. She utters some nonsense about being insulted that the Doctor forgot her, even though it was her who made him forget.TL/DRDoctor Who has been reimagined into leftist, unwatchable garbage.
nekosensei I never really understood why DW Christmas specials tend to be so morbid and maudlin until I realized that they were meant to be watched by British extended families who'd been drinking and eating together all day. So you get enslaved tortured whales pulling starships and neurotic millionaires with PTSD and nonstop gut-wrenching encounters with dead loved ones. Except of course for last year's, which was an upbeat superhero spoof designed to please DW's new international fandom. And this year's, which being Moffat's last is less tacky and bombastic than usual, maybe because he's spent so many years having his faults pointed out to him that he's more in the mood to ironically reference them than repeat them. Thus the running gag about the Twelfth Doctor nervously trying to stop the First Doctor from making sexist comments.This year we're back to the traditional DW Christmas themes of death, grief and hauntings (well, maybe I should say the traditional British Christmas themes of....), which gives Moffat one more opportunity to yank the audience's heart strings with unmercifully long rambling scenes in which characters chattily prepare themselves for death/bereavement. Capaldi, mercifully, doesn't milk these scenes for sobs but camps them up so as not to upstage the impending Jodie Whittaker. The transformation is smooth and sweet and we believe it's still him even when we can see it's her. Well done all!
zeppodunsel When I saw the first season with Peter Capaldi I decided I was done with Doctor Who, but then I decided to give Doctor Who a second chance and I have not regretted that decision!This season with Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts was just great and one of the best of the franchise ever.This Christmas Special introduces us to the concept of 'The Testimony', a mysterious organization from the future that takes beings just shortly before they are about to die and records their memories so that their essence remains preserved for all time. It kind of echoes the 'Nethersphere' of Capaldi's first season and the Tessalecta from season six, but here it is something quite wonderful. They travel in spaceships capable of stealing ships as advanced as the TARDIS and their agents appear to be humanoids of glass.The Testimony is after a captain of the British Army in World War One, in the trenches of Ypres, but because Doctor Twelve and Doctor One both are reluctant to regenerate, a paradox causes to let the good captain wander outside his own time and into the Antarctic.Both Doctors try to keep the captain from falling into the hands of the antagonist and after the TARDIS of Twelve is taken they make their getaway with the TARDIS of One. Joining them is Bill Potts, who explains to Twelve how she was saved by Heather at the end of the last season.In the search for the identity of the antagonist they even go to a Dalek called 'Rusty' who was once programmed to hate other Daleks, to access the Dalek database.With that information and with the realization that Bill Potts is an agent of The Testimony, they decide The Testimony is not an evil organization. The captain is returned to the time and place where he's supposed to be. According to Twelve that is! The good captain, as it turns out, is an ancestor of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart! And the moment he is returned to is the moment of the Christmas Truce of Ypres.German and British troops start singing Christmas Carols instead of killing each other. One of the sanest moments of the war!Both Doctors are now mentally in a place where they are ready to regenerate. One into Two and Twelve can say goodbye to Bill Potts, Nardole (also now data in the Testimony) and even Clara Oswald! Doctor Twelve had forgotten about her (reverse variant on the Donna situation) but now gets to say goodbye.Then Doctor Twelve regenerates into Doctor Thirteen, played by Jodie Whittaker!As the episode comes to an end, the inside of the TARDIS starts to explode and Thirteen is thrown out, plummeting to an unknown depth. I very much look forward seeing Jodie in her adventures as The Doctor!