Doc Martin
Doc Martin
| 01 January 2001 (USA)
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Doc Martin tells the tale of Martin Clunes' character in the film, in the months leading up to the Saving Grace story. Martin Bamford is a heart-broken London obstetrician, in a jealous rage after he finds out that his wife has been sleeping with three of his buddies. He escapes to a small Cornish fishing village, which he grows surprisingly attached to, and is extremely reluctant to return with his cheating wife when she comes to pick him up. Although he has only been looking for a week's R & R, Dr Bamford stumbles across a network of secrets in the village of Port Isaac, and finds himself embroiled in the most exciting scandal the village has seen for centuries.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
artdivine This REVIEW if for the first three seasons of the DOC MARTIN TV series. Please note, this review has spoilers so please be forewarned. Also, everything here constitutes an opinion.I enjoyed the first three seasons until the very last episodes where the ending was truly awful and disappointing! So, I decided not to watch session 4 or anything else related to this show. Why? There is just too much other television to allow myself to be aggravated by truly substandard television writing.What happened to make me so unhappy as a viewer? At the beginning of the show, the characters were fun and interesting small town folk from a sea side community somewhere in Britain. Each posing with a unique and lovable faulty part in their character these actors were mostly all endearing. It was, however, in the last episodes of the third season where the show went BERSERK! First, the characters failed to live up to their established personalities. Come on, we all know a leopard can't change it's spots. Things are what they are and everyone, including viewers, crave consistency. You have to wonder what happened to the writers and producers of this show to have failed so miserably at sustaining this simple tenet. Just to give an example, towards the end of the third season Doc and Louisa are about to marry. Doc begs a man who can marry them to officiate, (I don't recall if we are ever told why the man can do this.) In exchange, the man requires Doc to look at his pig which ends up with Doc's hand inside the pigs rectum.But in spite of this and after all the 'I love yous' the forgiveness, the intimacy, the shared bonding between these two characters, Louisa and Doc never show up at the church. Now, how logical is it to a assume that a man who would stick his hand inside a pigs rectum would not to even bother showing up to his wedding an hour or two later? And just like in this example, all the other characters in the show fall apart failing to live up to their character expectations. In my opinion, a terrible mistake on the part of the writers/producers/creators and one that proves to be unrealistic about people and circumstances in general.Second, it is obvious from the show that whoever created the story line ABHORS MARRIAGE as an institution. Why have I arrived at that opinion? I can only recall three instances where there were married couples. In one instance, the husband turns out to be a closet homosexual who is cheating on his much older wife. In another, Doc's mother and father turn out to be hateful unfeeling narcissistic sociopaths who only care about themselves and end up divorcing after 40 years. In yet another example, the young university educated couple have a son whom they've raised to be a monster by allowing him to freely destroy and vandalize other peoples car and property. And besides these people, no one else is married, in the entire town! In the end what do we see? A bunch of selfish people who are incapable of committing to anyone or anything else... having children out of wed lock, stealing from each other, engaging in highly abnormal sexual escapades, boozing it up, gambling, etc... Besides the aforementioned, no one, in this town of 900+ people is married. And in the end what is Doc's excuse as to why he did not show to church and potentially would have left Louisa standing at the altar? Oh, he says something like I wouldn't have made her happy. How unrealistic is that? We all know that no one is happy 100% of the time, no one. In addition, ideally, people marry because they love and care about each other not because they are guaranteeing that they will make the other person happy 100% of the time. How ludicrous and plain stupid is this?! All I have to say is that in my opinion, something went terribly MAD with this series. I don't know what or who?! All I know is that as I watched this show I became weary of the voice behind the characters telling us that marriage is a hopeless institution and that in the end, there is no hope in the world in general as everyone is basically selfish and grossly narcissistic.Sorry, but unless I got paid to watch this again, I wouldn't. And that is my opinion.
MartinHafer My uncle recently recommended I see the British show "Doc Martin". Well, his suggestions aren't usually too bad, so I decided to start at the beginning--or at least what I thought was the beginning. It turns out this character had first appeared in the Craig Ferguson film "Saving Grace"--though I didn't know it until after I saw "Doc Martin". So guess what is next on my Netflix queue?As for this film, I have been warned that the character is not exactly the same one from the later television series. It's played by the same actor (Martin Clunes) and he's got the same name, but I have been warned that the stories aren't exactly the same in the movies that preceded the TV show. That often happens when movies are later adapted to a TV series, though after seeing "Doc Martin", I cannot imagine changing it very much because the film was nearly perfect!The film begins in London. Dr. Martin is a successful obstetrician and s satisfied with his life. However, he's blissfully unaware that his wife is cheating on him...with several men! When he discovers, he takes off for Cornwall. After all, as a child he'd visited there and found it very relaxing--and he certainly needs to relax and clear his head.What happens next is very strange and one of the subplots involves a strange person who leaves jello* molds on people's doorsteps with nasty and incriminating photos buried within them! There is much more to it than this...but it's probably best you just see it for yourself.So why did I like "Doc Martin" so much? Well, the writing was just lovely and the story really made you care about the doctor and this strange little town full of interesting characters. Additionally, the direction and acting were also nice. It's a gentle meandering sort of film--and one that seemed very charming and made me want to see more.
The_late_Buddy_Ryan Doc Martin Bamford, an amiable, dope-smoking GP in a Cornish fishing village, appears in the movie "Saving Grace" and two made-for-TV prequels that explained who he was and how he got that way. This first time out, he's an obstetrician not a surgeon, he doesn't lose it at the sight of blood, he's a beaming, rubber-faced cherub not a scowling, sharp-tongued Aspie--that's Doc Martin Ellingham, as thoroughly reimagined for the long-running series by Dominic Minghella (whose name, as somebody on an IMDb bulletin board pointed out, is an anagram of "Ellingham"). Too much info? Doesn't matter. This "Doc Martin" is the first of the TV prequels, not as clever or as original as the series, perhaps, but perfectly charming and involving all the same. Good work by Tristan Sturrock (he's in the series as well) as a laid-back lobsterman and Neve McIntosh as a witchy tavern singer (she's not, more's the pity, eh?).
hemmelmol This is a really sympathetic movie and it startles me to see how little people have voted for it yet. It is a funny story with really sympathetic characters. It is located in a beautiful village in Cornwall, where a mystery lady disclosures everybody's secrets. A friendly doctor from London arrives and gets involved. As he learns to know the villagers, they start to grow on him. A lot of them are strange in a very funny way. After I saw it, I felt like I had met real people. I promise you you'll love it too. There is a sequel, but thats not half as nice.