PG-13 | 13 June 2012 (USA)
Divination Trailers

Supernatural forces collide when madness meets magic in "Divination." Jason is a young, successful artist married to the lovely Jessica. They're filled with joy at their first pregnancy and the uncanny return of their mysterious friend Dee. But Jason is tormented by Fear continually whispering nightmares and horrific visions into his mind. As he descends deeper into madness an intervention is made by the powerful angel Joshua, and his eager assistant Daniel.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Korena Hayes OK... so my husband has been bugging me to watch this for a long time. I have been resisting because I thought it would probably be terrible. However, when I watched the trailer I was impressed by the special effects. So tonight we finally watched Divination and you know what... it wasn't bad at all. I'm giving this eight stars but a couple of those are for effort. It's easy to see that the budget was relatively small for this production and that the actors didn't have a ton of experience, but despite that, the film hangs together pretty well. Let's just say I was never bored, and I was entertained throughout. I'm not going to get into a theological breakdown of the Christian aspect here... and I'm sure some would have quibbles just based on that. But for the budget and experience of the cast/crew, I have to give them a hand for the job they pulled off. I noticed a lot of little things, like the lighting, sound production, fight choreography and stunt coordination. A+ on all of those. If you are trying to compare the fight scenes to a $100 million dollar movie then you will be disappointed but this cast actually did a decent job. During a scene where the two main characters are running through a forest at night, the lighting actually works well. Lighting a scene at night is not easy. You have to know what you're doing.Also, as mentioned, the highlight of this film really is the special effects, which help to ratchet up the tension of the drama and are pretty fun to watch. No, this film is not for everyone. If you are adamantly opposed to a Christian message in films, you won't like this. If you have a problem with low(er) budget movies and acting that's not top-notch then you also might want to skip it. If you don't mind those things, give Divination a shot. We were pleasantly surprised by how good this was and are really happy that we watched it! My husband says "I absolutely loved it! I liked watching the spiritual realm be visualized on screen."
ds80909 White suburban apocalyptic. Family values under attack! Danger! Danger! What they did not spend on actors they did not spend on imagination either. OK, special effects are kind of fun. But "bird wings" on angels? Have some original thought guys. Again we find a "Christian" film that cannot or dare not delve into the subtleties of the spiritual life. Sad.
Sean Jump DIVINATION is a supernatural thriller about the unseen spiritual warfare that is constantly raging all around us, whether we want to admit it or not. Newlyweds Jason and Jessica certainly aren't privy to the otherworldly battle that is taking place inside their home, nor to the efforts of their guardian angel, Joshua, to keep the forces of evil at bay. All the young couple wants to do is build a happy life together and start a family. But Jason is harboring a dark secret that is eating away at his psyche like a cancer, and all the while unseen powers are unfurling evil plans for not only the man and his wife, but for their potential children as well.DIVINATION is one of those movies that flies in under the radar and then goes off like an atomic bomb. I had never heard of it prior to its September Redbox debut, but while it may be an unheralded film the lack of fanfare makes it all the more impressive. No, the cast doesn't feature any "name" actors, it's apparently director Ben Pohl's first feature, and it's fairly obvious the movie was produced on a small budget.None of that matters. The acting is solid from everyone involved, and the performers do a great job of living out the script. As for the screenplay, it's simply excellent. The story wrestles with common, everyday issues like familial trust, commitment, failure, and fear, but reminds us all that even our most mundane decisions can have eternal consequences not only for ourselves but for those we love. Dialog is spot-on and imminently believable. And first-time director Pohl proves himself surprisingly adept at dramatic storytelling and atmosphere. There are some really stunning set pieces and more than a few shocking moments. While DIVINATION isn't really a horror story, there are some genuinely frightening scenes, though Pohl is thankfully smart enough to pull back before the chills overwhelm the rest of the plot. The only real weakness in the movie is evident in its action scenes. While Pohl does a great job of framing the several duels between angels and demons in a stunning ethereal ambiance, the actual action choreography is at times a little rough around the edges. One gets the impression Pohl wants his action scenes to look like similar moments from THE MATRIX, but given the low budget that's just not possible. Still, this is a minor quibble, and overall the production values—including the special effects—are quite good, especially considering the obvious financial limitations.DIVINATION is a terrific and highly inspirational film that is frankly one of the best movies of 2013, low profile notwithstanding. Its script is insightful and full of Judeo-Christian imagery, and while Jesus Christ is never specifically mentioned there is a major plot point that clearly symbolizes the Son of God (you'll know it when you see it). The cast all play their roles with sincerity and conviction, and the direction is creative and rises above its low budget. DIVINATION is one of those films that will not only entertain you, but perhaps make you take certain aspects of your life a little more seriously. Our decisions matter, and Good and Evil are not only real, but a part of our daily lives. How we react to that is—as for Jason and Jessica—up to us.
sheriesuter I watched this film with my teenage kids we all loved it. In fact my 15 year old son asked to watch it again to show his friend and we all watched it a second time and my daughter said as we finished "I love this film I could watch it again" The special effects are really great for an Indy film and there are some beautifully shot scenes but the story is really what stands out. It is a great story of choices and consequences. It holds powerful spiritual truths with out ever being preachy. And you really care about the characters! It is an intriguing film that captures the imagination. Definitely worth watching!! This is a great example of non Hollywood film makers getting it right!