| 27 May 2000 (USA)
Ditto Trailers

In this endearing supernatural love story spanning two decades, a university student finds himself communicating with a female classmate from the same school through an antique ham radio.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Derek Childs (totalovrdose) It's been almost fifteen years since this South Korean romantic drama was released, and yet, even now, it has lost none of its poignancy. In 1979, So-Eun (Kim Ha-Neul), a university student, by chance, stumbles upon a ham radio whilst attempting to capture the attention of Dong-Hee (Park Yong-Woo), a fellow student she strongly admires. In order to convince Dong-Hee that her appreciation for the ham radio is legitimate, she begins to converse with a young man on the other end, Ji-In (Yoo Ji-Tae), a fellow student attending the same university, however, 21 years into the future, in the year 2000.Although neither of them is capable of initially believing that they happen to inhabit different periods of time, they begin to have a profound affect over each other, and in so doing, shape their characters and lives. So-Eun's sweet friend Seon-Mi (Kim Min-Joo) and Ji-In's occasionally inebriated, yet charmingly caring friend Seo Hyun-Ji (Ha Ji-Won), equally believe the distance in time to be nonsense, but as events begin to slowly become even more realistic, the question of whether the changes that commence are actually for the better, begin to plague the leads.The characterization is certainly impressive, distinct impressions being made that help the audience clearly identify each character as they subtly grow, maturing into the individuals they shall later become. The focus on the leads however means that many of the secondary characters, from friends to familial members, are provided limited screen time or depth.The directional style moreover, clearly emphasizes the impact each character has over the other, and how their lives begin to intersect, even despite the massive difference in time. Initially, So-Eun and Ji-In are continuously shown in separate scenes, skipping from one to another. Later, both appear, side by side, like a comic strip, before we eventually see them, in their own times, walking in the same locations, So-Eun fading out as Ji-In is superimposed over her, following in her footsteps.From the sweeping melody of the piano, to the use of stringed instruments, the audience is frequently being serenaded by beautiful music. Although this initially sets the scene for what gradually is to come, the music for the most part mainly serves as a beautiful companion for the story, until later, when it begins to solidify and cement the emotions that really impact the viewer.The use of color, especially at the beginning, where a vast amount of bright pinks and reds occupy the screen, thus evident of the romantic themed plot, is incredibly flattering on the senses, which are capable of being later contrasted with the beautiful lily white snow. These changes are additionally evident in the plot, the elements of humor, social awkwardness and friendship, being overtaken in the film's later stages with a greater focus on melodrama.Though the feature's conclusion is neither forced or peculiar, offering viewer's an ending that effectively fits with the narrative and characters, one cannot potentially feel as though they are been deprived of something deeper, which only adds to the intensity of the emotions the ending reveals. Ditto is one of those rare great films that are incredibly difficult to find, but if by luck, you, dear reader, manage to procure a copy, you shall not be disappointed.
thunderfoot1812 I too am surprised this gem currently only has 7 stars.This movie is a perfect example of our universal shared understanding of the nature of attachment and love. The classical music score and the sound of the voices of the young actors transcend the language. The underplayed but extremely moving acting leaves us wanting to know more about these people. We are hugely on their side.This is the antithesis of a movie chock full of plot and devices; it is rather bare-bones perfect in the references it makes. It's all done with acting and camera-work, and pacing. What we don't need we don't get. It's like a minimalist Shakespeare play.What you *will* see are a collection of moments that just tug at your heart.Expect this movie to stay with you for a long time.What a great actress!
fluffset Why this kind of greatest movie ever just got 7.2 in IMDb (9/8/12)? I cant accept this, this movie is too good. Well, its depend on everyone perspective but maybe some people cant understand its plot because when I read its discussion they ask too many confused-question. I don't know if some audience are not really good in English till fail to translate that subtitle. But.... its depends.Let me tell you its story. Its about a girl named Seoun in 1977 got a HAM machine(like army use in war) and start talking with someone who actually from the future 2000s. They became confused at the first time but lately they learned that there is a connection between her and him etc. etc. and the problem begin. Excited? An excellent sci-fi romance movie from South Korea and maybe too hard to find because its rare but just find it. Its worth!
SoulxSide Wow... what a beautiful film. Sure - it had some problems, but overall I have to admit that I liked it alot. If you've ever seen Frequency (with Dennis Quaid), the premise will seem familiar to you. However, this film doesn't focus on the same things. Where Frequency was more of a "guy's movie", Ditto was more of a romance/drama/girl's movie. Even so - I liked it more than I did Frequency. Just to warn you - the following may contain some slight spoilers (depending on your definition of a spoiler), but nothing that would ruin the experience for you.Ditto is about two college students (a young boy and a young girl) from different times who (due to some strange and unexplained phenomenon) are able to communicate with each other by way of ham radio. They don't realize they are in different times at first... They go to the same school and agree to meet at a certain location. They both show up, but since they are in different times their paths don't cross. After talking for awhile - they figure out that they are indeed talking to each other despite the fact that he is living in present day Korea (2000) and she is living in a very different (war torn) Korea circa 1979.Now - the romance isn't quite between these two characters as one would think... if I explain too much it would give away the surprises... The production values are top notch - the film and transfer look beautiful - as they should - but exceptionally so. The cinematography is outstanding. There is some great use of color throughout the film - especially in the beginning. The music is tranquil and beautiful and fits with what's being shown. As with most Korean films, this one is very stylish. Not so much in a commercial way - but in an artistic way. I found a few scenes to be too slow - plenty of slow motion shots... a few were unnecessary, but overall it added to the tone of the film.It is a slow moving drama, so don't expect any of the excitement from Frequency. There are no murders to thwart or dead mothers to bring back. It still manages to be a powerful film though. I can't recommend it enough actually. It's certainly not for everyone - but if you like drama/romance - you're in for a treat with this film... as long as you can handle films with such a leisurely pace.I should add that the acting is good - there are a few characters that are a bit one dimensional, but since they aren't pivotal to the main storyline it's forgiveable. I'll be honest here as well and say that it didn't end the way I wanted it to - still, I was satisfied with the ending. After almost 2 hours, I was wanting to see more. I like films with a time-travel theme, so I was excited to see it in the first place.