Dirty Little Trick
Dirty Little Trick
| 08 November 2011 (USA)
Dirty Little Trick Trailers

After picking up a beautiful young hitch-hiker, Michael Anderson finds himself living in his worst possible nightmare.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
babyhayhayrocks One of the better low budget films I have seen in the recent past. The acting was pretty well rounded and the story line was what the movie needed to make it shine from its low-budget foundations. I personally love movies based on real events, and this one makes it to my list of those that I love so much. For me, this movie was the perfect break from mainstream movies and really was a fun hour and a half. Cain especially finds a way to make these little movies like these shine bright, and contributed both to the value of the story line and to the value of the acting skill pool. While the industry is dwindling, I do not imagine seeing many more of these low-budgets in the future. If the industry ever truly dies I'll be able to look back at this and remember what it is like for everyday writers and actors to be able to put forth emotion and thoughts onto screen without high budget studios and higher tier production value. 250 Million dollar movies are NOT the only films worth viewing. I only wish to see more like this!
dburnett831 Went to see this movie on a rainy day.I was unexpectedly surprised.The action and acting was fun and interesting and I enjoyed the whole experience.If I had to criticize anything, it would be the directing. Otherwise, as a low budget movie, it really captured my attention.I hope this movie makes it to video.Dean Cain wasn't exactly at his peak, but he did a fairly good job.Michael Madsen was his usual obnoxious self, but he managed to get through the movie without saying the f word 14 times. As always, Madsen was fun!
rightwingisevil Well, I just couldn't go on watching this horribly scripted B movie after 20 minutes. I just want to avoid the viewing situation or status going from bad to worse then to the worst when Michael Madsen started to show his face on the screen. There are several iconic representatives of really bad B movies, and M.M. is on the top of such list. Again, this movie started with a guy who's supposed to be a nice and decent guy picked up a mysterious skinny young woman in the middle of nowhere of the wild remote desert countryside, maybe in New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, or what? Texas? Since the reasons and the possibilities of why and how these two characters would appear alone by himself or by herself in the middle of nowhere are usually the trademark of a badly scripted B movie, then you started to lose your patience. And then, the camera focused twice in macro on the kitchen knives so readily hinted something bad gonna happen, even the young female stranger asked the guy to use his apartment's shower and he ordered a pizza delivered to his residence while she's in the shower, then the guy gawked at her wet toweled body and swallowed....now, my friend, it's the time to bail out and reject the DVD before everything turned so stupid and so contrite like a bad B movie could always ruin your day or night when you tried so hard to get a peaceful home and couch warming time. This was where and when I bailed out as always. I could always leave the boring and absent-minded Michael Madsen in the DVD instead of on the monitor. Amen!
Tony Heck "Once you go down this road there ain't no coming back." Michael (Cain) is driving home when he sees the beautiful Sarah (Burson) hitchhiking. He stops to pick her up and his life is thrown into chaos. I have to start by saying that this is not an amazing movie at all. It's not even technically a good movie, but it is an entertaining movie. There have been a few movies recently (Take Me Home Tonight is the main example) that have tried to have the feel of a movie set in the 80's. Most come off as trying too hard. I don't know if this movie was trying or not but it definitely had the feel of a very cheesy low budget 80's movie. The effects were bad and even the plot seemed to be a throw back. If you judge the movie based on effects and acting this is terrible. If you judge it based on entertainment and watch-ability it's not that bad. There are much worse ways to spend 90 minutes of your life. Overall, not good at all, but it is entertaining. I give it a B-.