Diplomatic Siege
Diplomatic Siege
NR | 17 December 1999 (USA)
Diplomatic Siege Trailers

When Steve Mitchell is clandestinely sent to the US embassy in Bucharest, Romania to disarm a nuclear bomb that has secretly remained in the building since the end of the Cold War, little does he know that other problems will soon erupt. He must join Erica Long, a diplomatic attaché who is not all that she appears, to work together on setting the correct computer code that will disable the weapon and accomplish the mission. But while watching video monitors from inside a long-forgotten surveillance room, Steve witnesses a surprising deadly takeover of the building by the Serbian Liberation Front.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Leofwine_draca DIPLOMATIC SIEGE is a low rent thriller that rounds up a half-decent cast and throws them into a clichéd and predictable storyline involving some evil Serbian terrorists who take over the US embassy in Romania and proceed to issue various demands else the hostages will be executed. Of course, it's up the usual renegade heroes who are trapped on the inside to find a way to defeat their enemy...Despite this being a B-movie in every respect, it's actually quite enjoyable with strong, clear choreography and crisp direction from Gustavo Graef Marino. Okay, the script was never going to win any awards for originality, but there's a brisk pace that doesn't let up and some fun moments for the known actors. There are some well-mounted shoot-outs with machine guns and the like but our heroes spend the movie evading the enemy rather than engaging, so DIE HARD it ain't.Headlining the cast is Peter Weller (ROBOCOP), putting in a typically assured performance, and cast opposite him is Daryl Hannah, shortly before Tarantino cast her in KILL BILL. The third known face is Tom Berenger, sleepwalking through a stereotypically tough military role, although cult fans may spot an aged Brion James lower down as a stuffy US general. DIPLOMATIC SIEGE is only average at best but as B-movies go it isn't too bad at all.
Luigi Di Pilla I don't know if this movie was created for the cinema or TV. I'm not wondering why it didn't find the way to our theaters. What I missed there was a fine cinema picture like in the usual movies and a good audio. Then the setting place in this diplomatic house seemed too poor and cartoonish. The ideas therefore were original but the terrorists were too harmless. There were not any special effects. I think there could have been done more if the budget was higher. There were anyway many twists and plots that kept your attention until the end. If they show it on cable watch it if you have nothing to do but I don't know if the rental is worth. It is perhaps too underrated with actual vote of 3.5 on IMDb. My wife and me give 5/10.
lacrescenta I cringed while viewing this movie. Parts of it were OK (I enjoyed the creative use of "gadgets") but for the most part, it STUNK.I was embarrassed for Peter Weller and Darryl Hannah, who (in my opinion) had the hardest burden--to try to make do with horrible dialog, horrible story. Horrible, horrible, horrible. I cringed at their grossly inappropriate romantic trysts (time and place, people! There is a terrorist attack, you morons!). Oh my gosh. How horrible.Tom Berenger's part was significantly less embarassing--at least his character was consistent and didn't behave like a moron at times. But Berenger was wasted in this rather regrettable film.I like Weller, Hannah and Berenger, and usually enjoy what they do. But this film could not be remotely redeemed by their presence. It was simply a rotten movie.
Jolo-2 I'm usually a sucker for mindless action flicks, but this was an incredible waste of time, both for the actors involved and anybody who tried to watch. The military special effects are laughably fake, with colored smoke substituting for real explosions. I like Weller, Hannah, and Berenger, but even they cannot rise above this horrendous made-for-TV script. In fact, this was easily their worst film -- for all of them. When the actors do stop to give their lines, the result is often unintentionally humorous. There are far too many unnecessary plot elements, making the movie feel like 6 different scripts were thrown into a blender. The scenes stolen from other movies ranging from Mission Impossible to Toy Soldiers are immediately recognizable and come across as gratuitous and weak. It's just a shame. There was so much potential, instead it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen.