| 01 January 2008 (USA)
Dimples Trailers

On a Saturday morning, Frances jolts awake from a frightening dream. That afternoon, while on a road trip with four friends, a bizarre chain of events leads her to a secluded house where a little girl lives with a man she refers to only as, "The Doctor". Here, Frances uncovers grisly horrors the little girl is subjected to and as Frances fights to save her young soul, her friends fight to save themselves from the monster the doctor has created.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
chestermcgovern I heard about this flick through a friend and grabbed it the other night. Watched it with a friend and he thought it was alright, but I liked it,especially for a low budget horror film. I thought the acting was not spectacular, but I have seen plenty worse. It definitely was not bad. There was some very funny dialogue, some good jump scares, some alright gore (low budget)and a cool/different story. I thought anyway. There is a psychology here that I liked quite a bit. It also was shot well. The twist through me for a loop and I didn't seeing it coming. I think this was a good effort. I recommend it, especially if you don't like to be spoon fed and want something a bit different to watch.
first_time_movie I liked it. I have bias in that I really like Madeline Zima, but it was different from most horror movie cheese fiestas out there now a days. Don't get me wrong, there are some good scares and kills and some parts that are a bit corny, but it had a psychological element i dug. It does give you answers, but leaves some things up for interpretation. I know that makes some people angry these days (as seen on this site) but I like movies like this. The ending left a definite impression on me and got my mind thinking. I felt the acting was overall good, the film was shot well, written solid and had some really funny parts too. I enjoyed all 90 minutes of it and it moved so fast. I think this is a movie you like better when you watch it again, although I only watched it once. recommend this film.
puntball The critiques here seem a bit lopsided. I saw this film sometime back at a screening a friend invited me to. I did not know the filmmakers personally, but I liked the film. I heard that they released film was a "different" cut from what I saw so I checked it out again and actually liked this cut better. I thought it was a strong effort the first time especially for a first time feature film director and a very interesting low budget horror film to boot. The acting was not bad, especially for a genre film. Madeline Zima's character, at times, could be a bit drab, but there were reasons for that in the story and she pulled it off. The characters surrounding her were well performed and not over the top as you see quite a bit in horror films. The scares were plenty, but not so many that you know one is around every corner. Now DIMPLES is was not the best film I ever seen by any means, but it was solid low budget fare at the very least. Some parts I felt more explanation was needed,but I did not see the twist coming and the ending (very untypical for horror) left me thinking about it for days. Some of the low grades and harsh comments here seem to have an ax to grind. I alway find it amusing when a film is bashed by someone who only has that one comment in their comment history. Plus when they attack with seathing relentlessness. At least that is what I feel. Now, let me repeat Dimples is not an award winner by any means, but is not a total stinker either. I am a filmmaker myself and I hate to see decent efforts get unfairly trashed...Now if you one a gore fest with no thinking involved, you wont like Dimples. But if you want a bit on the mind, I think you will...Cheers!
kesjd "Dimples" is a very creepy movie and that's why I like it. This movie is well thought and well written. The actors were perfectly chosen for the film. In case you haven't noticed, most of them have been acting since they were kids. They all did a great job. I especially love the actress (Summer Davis) that played the little girl. She was really good! Her acting is a lot better than the girl from the "Ring." "Dimples" is pretty creepy himself. He's scarier than all of those characters like Freddy and Jason. I will definitely buy this movie. This movie is meant to be seen over and over again, especially on Halloween.