Diary of a Cannibal
Diary of a Cannibal
| 24 April 2007 (USA)
Diary of a Cannibal Trailers

They met on the Internet. They fell in love. They drove to the desert and stopped at an abandoned warehouse. They wandered inside. Inside they found unspeakable horror. Only one of them survived the ordeal of CANNIBAL. From a hospital bed, an injured Noelle tells shocked police detectives a tale of cannibal terror. In recounting her ordeal, the detectives learn of an even more awful truth behind the actions of this tragic couple. Horror master Ulli Lommel's depraved tale of a modern-day CANNIBAL is based on the real-life case of a man who murdered and consumed his lover -- liver and all! -- in a strange act of consensual love. In Lommel's film of the events, two star-crossed lovers enter a world where madness rules and even a loved one can transform into a flesh-eating cannibal.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
miss-murder-xx Where to begin. Firstly I would like to point out that the "spoiler alert" will spoil nothing as it was already spoiled when it was made.SUMMARY Overall this movie is defiantly NOT WORTH IT! I would NEVER watch it again. I would NEVER recommend it to anyone either. DO NOT be fooled by the tittle or cover.PLOT This movie is not entirely bad. I think the last comment wrote on this said it was based on a book. I'm not too sure about that but I do like the idea of the film. It was a good storyline. Although it seemed to me like the film would have only run for about 40 minutes but they decided that instead of adding more on they have just drag everything out. There was little dialog through the film and when there was you almost wish there wasn't. The whole film was almost like a bunch of kids had done it. You can't really blame the actors when the actual script is that bad.CAMERA QUALITY As soon as the movie starts you can tell it was not properly done. The filming quality was very poor. The movie dragged on and on. Considering it only runs for 80 minutes it feels a lot longer then that. GORE When I picked up the DVD the title and the cover was rather catchy. I love gory movies and I am interested in cannibalism. I was extremely disappointed to find that the movie merely touches cannibalism and the gore was Extremely fake! The "blood" has literally stuck to her face. It was way too thick and didn't even drip. The body parts were also very fake. My boyfriend works on films, particularly war movies so its not like I have no clue what I am on about. I've seen a lot of blood work they have done and it is so much better then this. Where to begin.
Michael_Elliott Diary of a Cannibal (2006) 1/2 (out of 4) Ulli Lommel is back once again with yet another "based on true events" film. This time he tells the story of the German man who was sent to prison for killing another man and eating him. In this film, the story is changed around to a man and woman who meet on the internet and he wants her to eat him. The story of the German man was better told in the film Cannibal, which I viewed earlier in the year. That film was the sickest film I had ever seen and had me on the verge of throwing up but I can honestly say this film had me close to throwing up but for different reasons. Lommel shows once again that he's turned into the biggest hack master in the world delivering yet another horrible film. I'll give him some credit that he changed to story to a somewhat interesting one but he does nothing with it. Everything from the performances to the special effects are horrid so that doesn't leave much going for the film. It's really sad to see Lommel selling himself out with this incredibly horrid film but Lions Gate keeps buying them so I guess he'll keep making them.
Michiel I just HAVE to write a comment of what I'm experiencing right now. I am shocked by what I just saw, and not because of the contents, but by the way they were brought to the screen.I remember the movie's story being on the news, as it is based on actual events. Unfortunately, there is hardly anything left of the true story, and it is turned into a vague 'romance' story.The filming, editing, acting and effects in this movie are so terrible, that it is a horror movie in the fact that it is simply horrific. Don't let anybody tell you this movie is good, they are lying. It looks like a project of a starting film student, who is about to be kicked out for lack of talent.The best example to the sadness of this attempt at film, is when the headless body is shown. In the place where the head would be is a black block that seems to be drawn on the image in Microsoft Paint! I'm going to go back to the video store tomorrow and not ask for my money back. I'm going to ask them to remove this DVD from their assortment. My 3 euro probably doubled the amount of money they paid for it to begin with.
orkoserapis_x1 I'm sick and tired of reading bad comments about Ulli Lommel's films.I am a devoted fan of Ulli Lommel's movies and have seen many of them, this one "Diary Of A Cannibal" is one of his best so far. I was very impressed with it.Diary Of A Cannibal is certainly unconventional. It is part romance, part drama, and part horror, and the premise is interesting and original. The film examines the issue of cannibalism. There are not very many films that you finish watching and ponder afterwards, but I found myself lying awake thinking about this one after seeing it last night. It left me with a definite impression; both disturbed and curious.In the movie two people, a young man and a young woman, who are intensely in love, decide that the ultimate way to consummate their love for each other is by an act of cannibalism whereby the woman kills her lover and eats his heart, and he submits willingly to the act, and this is portrayed as the ultimate act of love. This obviously conflicts severely with social and legal norms in American society, and the girl is convicted and sentenced to prison for murder, as you would expect. The film mainly examines the ethics and the psychology of the act (not the gore), and interestingly, it seems to portray the act of cannibalism sympathetically, not at all objectively. I don't believe that this is wrong, maybe the film makers are just expressing their opinion, in any case it makes for interesting viewing and it was a bold film to make.The acting was good throughout. I sensed in the performances of the actors, particularly in that of Jilian Swanson (a very beautiful girl), real passion and feeling, and I really believed in and sympathized with her character and the inner conflict she felt because she played it so real, and with subtle conviction. The performances were subtle and morose which perfectly fitted the macabre and ponderous subject matter, and were entirely believable. The music was excellent, well suited, and well employed: very haunting and beautiful. The camera work is the typical realistic documentary style employed on many of Lommel's films, which I quite like because it brings immediacy and realism to the film, but clearly it irks many people who obviously prefer to remain more detached from the subject matter so it can be viewed purely as mindless entertainment. The only factor which costs this film stars in my opinion is the screenplay which could have been better. True, the dialog is minimal, the story is told mostly with images, but sometimes the script was a bit thin, and possibly could it have used some better script writing in parts.I think that the reason many people trash this movie, and Lommels films generally, is because they are too attuned to more conventional films and just want quick satisfaction without having to do too much thinking (blood, gore, violence, etc): this is typical of mainstream audiences, and obviously Lommel does not make films for mainstream audiences.I enjoyed this film and it left me with something to think about. I recommend it to anyone interested in cannibalism or anything related to it, or anyone looking for something a bit different.