R | 01 March 2012 (USA)
Deviation Trailers

Told over one horrifying night, Deviation will take you on a white-knuckle journey into the mind of Frank Norton, a dangerous schizophrenic murderer as he escapes from Broadmoor Hospital and embarks on a murderous rampage across London. But when Frankie takes a hostage, the deadly game of cat-and-mouse truly begins.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
bowmanblue Danny Dyer is an enigma. A man not particularly... well, anything at all, and yet he still has a loyal fan base and, even more surprisingly than that, a career.The only thing weirder, is why I keep watching his films. The Business and Severence were excellent (and I will admit to also like Doghouse), plus he did one about football hooliganism which was just about okay, but pretty much everything else he's done is terrible.If you read the blurb it says, and I quote: "NERVE-SHREDDING TERROR... DANNY DYER AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE Prepare yourself for one of the most terrifying films of the year. An all-action, adrenaline-fueled bloodbath" I have to wonder why no one's reported the film-makers for false advertising. Perhaps because no one has actually bothered to watch the films? Dyer plays an escaped nut-job who kidnaps a middle class mum and drives her around London while he flips from being nice then nasty to her. Everywhere they stop she tries to escape and fails. Will she get away in the end? I defy many people to actually care.I like horror and thrillers and there are some real low budget gems out there (try 'Mum and Dad'), but this is not one of them. Repetitive, badly-written and not particularly well acted either.Avoid.
Michael Thompson Danny Dyer, like Michael Cain, seems to suit every role he plays. Don't read any more if you don't want to know about this film.Basically this movie is not so much action packed. It is just Danny Danny acting the bad guy, which I don't like. I found this movie less than engrossing, but none the less very real.Danny Dyer kidnaps a woman, goes on the run in her car, and she ends up spiking his drink, and she knifes him.She then walks away with Danny Dyer lying on the ground, dead.This movie reveals to me how easy Danny Danny, like Michael Cain, seems to fit every role he takes. But I still don't like him playing the bad guy.
Ariel Holliday Not really a Danny Dyer fan but I watched Severance on the telly a couple of weeks ago and thought he was pretty good in that, then saw this was coming out on Twitter, so thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.And glad I did! Think he does a great job of the RIGHT weirdo he plays here. He's nothing like your average psycho. And Amber is a great female character! Not a wimp at all, falling down screaming etc. Played by Anna Walton who I've not really seen before, but will definitely look out for in future. London looks great in this film too, some really nice outside shots across the city. And I loved the music, really added to the atmosphere. I'd recommend this film to anyone whose looking for something thrilling, that still cares about it's characters. SAW etc this ain't!!!
mjr82 IMO, This film shouldn't have been made at all, it wasn't one of Danny's best!In-fact i think it's his worst one yet and i predict that it will never be watched more than once by anyone, it's that sort of film, it's very boring and nothing really happens, it's the same thing all the way through the film, and the end was terrible, I was expecting more violence, better acting from all actors and a better story line!Granted, Danny dyer plays quite a good insane person, but his acting shines through more when he plays gangster type roles or hard man acting roles!Stick to what you do best Danny, the hard man acting works, this doesn't!