Detroit 9000
Detroit 9000
R | 01 August 1973 (USA)
Detroit 9000 Trailers

After a fundraiser for a black politician is robbed, Detroit police put two detectives, one white and one black, on the case, who try to work together under boiling political pressure.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
carbuff Take my rating on this film with a very large grain of salt, since most people would probably find it mediocre at best if they aren't subject to 1970s nostalgia.It plays like a decent trashy TV movie from the '70s (I know, because I was there), albeit with some swearing that would never have been allowed on the air. The plot is actually pretty good and reasonably convoluted and, I think, worthy of a skilled remake (except, please, for the absurdly drawn out shootout near the end), but the execution is really, really dated. This movie is notable for having the worst "blood" special effects I have ever seen. When shot, the victims appear to have been hit by a paintball gun loaded with red fluorescent paint. Also, I never personally ever heard any real person use the term "Honky" in the '70s, yet it is used constantly here, so that seemed a bit weird to me. In summary, this movie is a long way from being great filmmaking, and I would only recommend it if you wanted to see an old OK blaxsploitation flick, since as far as that goes, you could do a lot worse.
gavin6942 After a fundraiser for a black politician is robbed, Detroit police put two detectives, one white (Alex Rocco) and one black (Hari Rhodes), on the case, who try to work together under boiling political pressure.Although Orville H. Hampton worked mostly in lower budget films, he actually had an Oscar nomination under his belt by the time he wrote this script. Hampton had written the now-forgotten "One Potato, Two Potato" (1964). Marks was responsible for bringing in Rocco, who he had worked with on "Bonnie's Kids". Although he plays a policeman here, Rocco had actually grown up among Boston's Winter Hill Gang.Hari Rhodes is a perfect choice for the role here. In a film about racial politics, he is more knowledgeable than most. While any person of color has experienced racism at some point, Rhodes literally wrote the book on it: "A Chosen Few", which was published in 1965.Scatman Crothers is a pleasant surprise, even if his role is not as large as it could be. And the idea of "Buzz the Fuzz" is awfully clever, perhaps something more big cities ought to think about. This film shows the racial politics between police and the black community, and this certainly has not changed in the forty years since this film debuted. If anything, it is something we are even more acutely aware of now.
MartinHafer "Detroit 9000" reminded me a lot of "Dirty Harry"--mostly because the star, Alex Rocco, has little time to be pleasant to his superiors--he's just a good and tough cop who wants to do his job. The other star, Hari Rhodes, isn't exactly a saint either! The big difference, however, is that "Detroit 9000" is a MUCH earthier film--with lots of cursing, racial epithets and stuff parents probably do NOT want their kids seeing. Of course, it wasn't like "Dirty Harry" was a family film, either! The film begins at a big fund-raising affair where lots of black community members are in attendance. A group of robbers break up the party and take a fortune. But, interestingly enough, these guys were real pros and they haven't got anything to work on--even the races of the crooks. When the case is given to the Lieutenant (Rocco), he quickly sees that he's pretty much screwed--and is quick to tell his boss! That Rocco isn't a man known for his tact! Following this, he begins following down leads--leads that lead him to a brothel, a brief lesbian sex scene, a crooked black politician and even abortion doctor! As I said, this IS an earthy film! So is the film worth seeing? Well, if you are looking for a blaxsploitation film, perhaps not. While it has some elements of blaxsploitation, it's really more of a cop story that happens to be in Detroit--and the good guys (relatively speaking) are cops. If you are looking for a family film or one to show your mother, DEFINITELY not. But, if you can get past all the nastiness (and there is a lot), the film is exciting, bloody and interesting--and the acting is pretty good from these second and third-tier actors. I also thought the movie was a bit of a surprise because I always thought Detroit was a lot less safe than it was in this movie! By the way, one scene from the film seems like it was lifted from "Dirty Harry" (1971). When the cop shoots a suspect with a gun, he tells the bleeding guy "Go for it, you #^$&%@... Go on maybe I haven't got the guts to kill you...". And the way it was set up was so similar to Dirty Harry's confrontation with the bank robber.Also, at the minute mark, watch the prostitute get in a cab and the cab is a DIFFERENT cab when she gets out (note the bumpers, among other differences).
thecrimsonghost2003 Of all the blaxpoitation films I have seen, this is one of the worst. There was no real redeeming quality to this movie. The shoot em' up scenes were lame. The music was repetitive. When the movie ended I couldn't have been more happy.