Desperate Souls
Desperate Souls
R | 04 October 2005 (USA)
Desperate Souls Trailers

Long protected by dark shadows and hidden by secrets, a tattered book of unspeakable power that was written by the ancient druids has survived on the Earth for centuries. But when a group of young orphans stumble upon the book and unleash its vengeful power through a bloody and selfish act, they could endanger the unsuspecting teens enjoying a weekend camping trip in the woods -- or jeopardize their own lives.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
reeves2002 I rented this because I also saw the trailer and thought it might be OK.The first 5 minutes seemed OK and i got how this kid was orphaned but that's it.I liked the scene where the guy whacked his wife with one blow of a baseball bat to the head and then went to shoot his son but instead kills himself.I liked the way the scene was done because it was disturbing and i was sure the rest of the movie was gonna be good.I was wrong.The plot went all over the map and made no sense.I started to feel frustrated by trying to figure the Goddamn thing out and gave up.This movie is so weird I can't even rate it.I did get a few laughs out of it and i didn't mind the soundtrack(anything is better then hip hop & rap),but otherwise it was a waste of money unless your into brainless B movie's.
Gravesofthetrust I had heard about this movie (Desperate Souls) from watching a trailer for it on my uncut DVD of Saw. In all honesty, the trailer is by far the best thing about this wretched piece of crap. Now I can try to respect the story, it did sound rather interesting (if not unimaginative), and sounded like it would be a decent Evil Dead type of movie. However about five minutes into the movie it quit being okay, and it turned into a unbearable crapfest. This movie takes the words "poor lighting," and "drab scenery" to a whole new level. The directors also seem to be obsessed with heavy metal music. Most if not all of the lame soundtrack is loud unintelligible heavy metal butt rock. There is a story in this movie, but after five minutes of bad lighting, terrible acting, you'll kind of just give up on it. It is obvious that the writers didn't really care enough to put in a coherent storyline. Or you know, people who know how to act, and I suppose actually being able to see things in a movie is too much to ask for. Does that sound so unreasonable? Apparentaly so, in only one or two scenes are things really noticeable, the rest of it are damn near impossible to see. And in one scene there sounds like a cool battle is going on, but you can't see anything. What the hell?! And I must say they really went all out with the scenery (if you can't sense the sarcasm you need to be smacked). Further to the point this movie had very little to do with the trailer, and the trailer was the best part of this debacle of the film. Bad lighting, terrible acting, drab scenery, things I construed as homo eroticism (a man calling another man buttercup?), bland DVD setup, and no special features on said DVD. Avoid this movie like the plague, if your wanting to watch a movie like this, avoid this and watch one of the Evil Dead movies.
mem3590 wow. this is quite possibly one of the worst movies ever made... and that's what you've gotta love about it! it's definitely one of the funniest movies i have ever seen. i didn't go more than 2 minutes without cracking up through the entire thing. i was seriously crying from laughing so hard. trust me, there are more memorable quotes in this movie than there were in napoleon dynamite. if you want to have a good time and watch a movie that is so bad you can't stop watching it, rent this one. it's a leaves you with one question... what the hell is with the manbag and vest?
sacredmonk I don't remember hearing about this movie going to theaters. So when I chanced upon it in the New Release section of blockbuster and read the back "An ancient druid book of unspeakable power has survived for centuries, protected by the dark shadows of the natural world. etc.." I thought this movie would be good no doubt about it. Well. the premise is good. The actual movie however is horrid. The actors (if you can call them that) are pretty much on par with Napolean Dynamite (not in a funny way, in an bad emotionless way). You will find yourself thinking "Is he scared, or is he just cold". Aside from the acting, or lack thereof, the movie appears to have been filmed with a home video recorder. Even then, it would make you wonder if you yourself could have created a better movie with that recorder you've got stored in the garage. I believe the movie could have had promise had it been done by a major production company. Overall, this movie receives a 1.