NR | 16 August 1996 (USA)
Depraved Trailers

Steamy erotic thriller centering on Opella and Dan, a couple whose sexual fantasies get so wild, Dan wants to put a stop to them. When Opella is discovered dead, Dan contacts his brother to help him get rid of the body and cover his tracks, but the past soon comes back to haunt him.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Claudio Carvalho In California, the construction worker Dan Mata (Antonio Guzman) and his fiancée Ophelia Ramos (Seidy Lopez) have exhausted their intense sex life and now they have crossed the line of their fantasies with threesome and other type of kinky sex. On the Valentine Day, Ophelia has sex with her boss Dr. Scott Lunwitz (Bob Zachar) expecting to please Dan that actually is disturbed with the situation. He expels Scott from their house and argues with Ophelia that leaves their house too. On the next morning, Dan finds Ophelia in the house stabbed three times on the chest and he does not know whether he had killed her or not. His brother Jessie Mata (Mario Lopez) dumps her body in the site where they are building a house and Dan is surprisingly visited by Monica Stienman (Barbara Niven), who introduces herself as a psychologist and detective and friend of Ophelia. She tells that Ophelia had called her upset with their argument and she offers her services to Dan that questions later whether he shall confess the murder of Ophelia or not."Depraved" is a low-budget erotic thriller with a plot that is silly and predictable, but the lead actress Seidy Lopez makes it worth a look. The acting is reasonable and the purpose of the story is only to offer situations to undress the sexy Seidy Lopez. Considering the budget and the intention of this production, it entertains in the end. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "Depraved"
bkoganbing This is probably this worst film I've seen and reviewed in some time. It starts out with some steamy sex scenes and then goes down hill from there. Our lead Antonio Guzman has a real 'growing' problem concerning relations with women. He meets and dates a woman from a dating service Seidy Lopez and they start experimenting with all kinds of new ways for increasing pleasure on the fantasy level. It gets out of hand and Seidy winds up real dead.And then our boy Antonio gets involved with a sex crimes cop who doubles as a psychotherapist. I mean puh-lease.I cannot believe this was the best film offer that Mario Lopez got after Saved By the Bell. No wonder he's doing game show hosting and ballroom dancing.Pass this one by folks.
masmith Good acting by the two leads, particularly Seidy Lopez -- very real, very believable. Because the cast is limited, and we know that there has to be a plot twist, It's not too hard to predict the "twist". But the relationship between the two leads is excellent.
dewey22 One's first impression of this film is that it is just another "skin flick" with a lot of sex just to excite. The film deals primarily with the problems that the main character-Dan Mato (Antonio Guzman II) is having getting sexually aroused. This role is performed very convincingly by Guzman. Overall, the movie is well acted,photographed, and directed. Not one of the years 10 best, but very much above what one expects from a film dealing with sex as its only subject.
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