| 19 July 2024 (USA)
Delete Trailers

Alex Granados, an expert in Human-Machine Relations and former journalist, says goodbye to his wife, Erika, and travels to the headquarters of the Great Erasure Commission in Paris. There he is received by the president, Laura Schimmel, who gives him the most difficult job of his career: to prepare a report to decide what humanity should erase if alternative storage systems do not prosper. Alex and his collaborators, the Korean Lyn and the Nigerian Hasan, begin to interview experts from different disciplines to understand what they should keep. On a trip to England, Lyn is attacked by a group of analogists, who defend the disappearance of the digital world.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.