Def-Con 4
Def-Con 4
R | 15 March 1985 (USA)
Def-Con 4 Trailers

Two men and a woman circle the globe in a satellite armed with a nuclear device. The third world war breaks out, and a few months later the satellite crashes. They survive the crash but one man gets killed by survivors and the other man gets caught. The woman stays by the remains of the the satellite but is soon caught by evil punks who have taken power.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
celesteriv Here's the thing I absolutely love B-Movies, horrible movies, and movies most people wold be embarrassed that they like. This movie just didn't get me. I couldn't go with the flaws. The synopsis says a "Few months later"... OMG it was like 30 hours later and already there are cannibals, new societies, people unable to bathe... I tried to ignore it but then it just got worse. Outside of the fact that radiation wold have wiped most out, well I just couldn't buy it all... and I tried. Bad, bad, bad...not good bad, just bad.
sol- Orbiting the globe with a nuclear bomb, three military astronauts debate when to drop their payload and whether to return to Earth after nuclear war breaks out between the United States and Russia in this speculative Canadian thriller. The film begins well, tapping into Cold War tensions that still existed in the early 1980s and with some very intense moments as the trio argue about when to drop the bomb and then later where the safest place to land on Earth is, given radioactive fallout. The special effects and sets in these early scenes are excellent and the film milks the trio's uncertainty for all it is worth as they keep seeing intermittent, truncated broadcasts and have no idea of what is really going on. The film changes tune though as they eventually crash-land and while Maury Chaykin is solid as always as the first survivalist they encounter, things soon go downhill; the second half of the movie comes off as a poor rehash of 'Mad Max 2' as Chaykin and the surviving astronauts become subject to the tyranny of a young dictator who has assumed command. This second-half is so lacklustre - and full of such lifeless characters - that it almost justifies the film's uncannily low IMDb score. When one factors in the awesome first twenty minutes though and all the initial scenes with Chaykin, it is hard to be so harsh on the film. There is a lot of interest here even if it concludes on a weak note.
FlashCallahan Two men and a woman circle the globe in a satellite armed with a nuclear device.The third world war breaks out, and a few months later the satellite crashes. They survive the crash but one man gets killed by survivors and the other man gets caught.The woman stays by the remains of the the satellite but is soon caught by evil punks who have taken power.....Another on of those so called cult movies, because no one really bothered with it when released, and has a really cool DVD cover, but little else to talk about.It's a sound idea, being in space whilst a war erupts, and then coming back down to the aftermath, but thats where the writers stopped having great ideas, and decided to steal from other apocalyptic movies....very badly.There are lots of better movies out there that reference the aftermath of war, Land Of Doom, World Gone Wild, and Mad Max, are prime examples of how to make a fun movie, this just maunders on until the dour end.I wouldn't bother.
Coventry "Def-Con 4" can basically be described as a mundane and ordinary post- apocalyptic Sci-Fi/thriller from the mid-80's, but at least it has a couple of semi-original elements in store. There were most 'after the nuclear bomb' movies were uninspired clones of "Mad Max: The Road Warrior", with flamboyantly tuned vehicles and deranged Mohawk villains, this film at least tries to put the emphasis a little more on depth and characters drawings. Although I really like "Mad Max" and most of its clones (especially the Italian ones), admittedly it's not a very plausible post-apocalyptic scenario that all remaining survivors will go bonkers and drive around in eccentric buggies. Anyway, "Def-Con 4" starts from a fairly inventive viewpoint. Whilst orbiting around in a satellite and minding their own business, a three-headed crew of astronauts witnesses how our planet Earth is destroyed during a short but devastating nuclear war between the US and USSR. Two months later, their board computer get "hijacked" and the satellite crash-lands in unknown and probably extremely hostile territory. Quickly after their captain Walker is ripped to pieces by unseen assailants, sole survivors Jordon and Howe end up in a secluded camp run by a pretentious teenager. He's the leader because his parents were rich, influential and owned a helicopter. You'd think people don't care about financial status anymore in a world destroyed by nuclear missiles, but apparently they do. "Def- Con 4" is full of illogical and implausible stuff similar to this, as a matter a fact. Do you reckon it only takes two months for survivors of a nuclear holocaust to turn into cannibalistic savages? Two months of hunger and disease and people are ready to devour fellow person's ripped off arms and rape women with nicely red aureoles. We're doomed, I tell you. Still, if you manage to overlook the dumb errors in the script, this might become an enjoyable little Sci-Fi treat with a decent first half hour and a familiarly tacky climax. The "evil" characters are quite funny and actually come across as pathetic instead of menacing. Kevin King tries hard to act like a genuine bastard, especially when he deliberately drops the freshly baked steak of his paralyzed computer specialist in the mud, but it really doesn't help that he has a cute baby-face and high school jock attitude. His first commander is a sort of albino Nazi and their legal system is a throwback to Medieval times. You survived atomic bombs and now you're going to hang people?!? Please!