Deep Winter
Deep Winter
PG-13 | 27 January 2009 (USA)
Deep Winter Trailers

Maverick downhill racer, Tyler Crowe, reunites with best friend and renegade snowboarder, Mark Rider. It doesn't take long for the old friends to take on a new mission. Together they head to Alaska, where led by a veteran guide, the two attempt the most daring descent on snow ever caught on film. But with glory comes risk. And this challenge is no exception.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
kai ringler I don't get it,, once again the majority of film goers and reviewers miss the entire point of this movie,, this didn't have a Hollywood budget. I don't think the directors intended on this to be a Cinematic Masterpiece or win an Academy Award. so now that we are on the same page, let me begin by saying, the scenery in the movie was awesome,, the premise, where you have a mountain that is yet to be tamed,, yeah you have some fool hardy kids try to do stuff that would get them killed and stuff , but you only live once,, kinda reminds me of the winter X games don't it. I watched it just to see Michael Madsen,, he wasn't bad in the picture nor impressive. just middle of the road. I liked the skiing and snowboarding scenes. all of the angles and speed that is common to the sport. I thought this was a decent action movie, with some suspense in it also,
Amy Adler Tyler (Eric Lively) is a hotshot skier with much talent but not enough self-control. His defiance of rules and instruction gets him tossed off the American ski team by his coach (Robert Carradine). Heading back to his Rocky Mountain home, he catches up with old friends, including Mark (Kellan Lutz) and his attractive younger sister, Elisa (Peyton List). Not having a good plan for his future, Tyler and Mark, also a skier, are asked to ski in a put-on-a-show video in Alaska! The concept is that a helicopter will take the duo up to a mountain in the 49th state, drop them off and have a camera rolling. It is one risky business, for small avalanches occur regularly. Only the most skilled athletes and fearless souls need apply. The two men go. There they meet a former Alaskan skier, Dean (Michael Madsen) who will be giving them advice and holding the recorder. Initially, things go well and some spectacular footage is shot. But, with both Mark and Tyler liking to compete "on the edge", will they return home safely? This movie has some of the most terrific scenery and skiing cinematography that most viewers will ever see. Imagine, skiing down a huge mountain in Alaska! Just looking at it makes one a bit dizzy! On the other hand, while the cast is talented and good looking, the plot is mediocre. It also has some drug related elements that might make some film fans uncomfortable. Nevertheless, the movie's unique setting and eye-popping ski stunts make the flick very worthwhile, winter or summer.
obey67 I totally dug this movie! It has great action and cool actors, the skiing is off the hizzle and the picture looks incredible. It is about time somebody made a decent story on the slopes without selling out to some typical Hollywood story. I felt like the pages of Powder Magazine came to life, literally. Hey it ain't Shakespeare, but there is a compelling buddy picture story, sort of man against nature vibe that takes you into the world of expert skiing and the majesty of the Alaskan Rockies. Emerging star Kellan Lutz commands as the snowboarder and Madsen rules as a grizzled pilot. I loved the soundtrack, too! This is the kind of movie that I can watch over and over on cable whenever it is on. Impressive effort, technically sound.
osloman7 I joined IMDb just to say how bad this movie is. There is no plot, the acting is awful, and even the skiing is bad!!!It all starts after the main guy falls during a competition. Then he goes back home... Finds a old friend - she is obviously his best friends sister and of course he has sex with her. The brother gets really mad... However they still leave together to Alaska to make a movie. They leave to ski down one of the worst mountains ever.. The brother dies, the sister cries (but don t worry they get back together after the main character finishes what his best friend died doing, going down that big nasty mountain full of avalanches)Do not watch is my advice..