Deep Rescue
Deep Rescue
| 01 December 2005 (USA)
Deep Rescue Trailers

The crew of the Discovery struggle to survive and escape to the surface after the Space Shuttle ditches into the Atlantic Ocean.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
schwinnhund This is such a blatant ripoff it is almost laughable. But instead of a 747 and an all-star cast, we get a poorly done space shuttle and really bad actors, screenwriters, etc... The space shuttle (or any other aircraft, for that matter) would not survive a dunk so deep that a DSRV would be needed. It would crush like a Coors can before 300 ft. Any shallower than that, and the astronauts could just don space suits and swim to the surface. This was a really stupid idea for a movie plot (especially since it had been done before, and a lot better...)If this flick ever makes it to TV, the best part of it will be the commercials.
jamescfield (1) The female love interest {actually quite pretty} has a secret on-board hairdresser who attends to her curls every time she takes off her space helmet. (2) That highly trained professional astronaut commanders would panic and take off their {1960's vintage} restraint harness during a crash sequence, is a laugh and a half. (3) Passwords on the computers??? WHY? (4) An airplane will float if water doesn't get in. Water didn't get in and the shuttle is an airplane. (5) I did like the set a bit. It was a bit better than the "Conquest of Space" (6) Acting not that bad, they did their best with a bad lot. (7) It takes a hell of a long time to put on a space-suit(with help). (8) A spacesuit filled with air at several atmospheres would explode at the depth portrayed as it ascended. They would have to have let air escape at a controlled rate. (9) that's enough *sigh*.
braingrease Move over "Battlefield Earth." Heave to, "Waterworld." I think IMDb needs to make a sequel to its own list: Son of the Bottom 100! And the only movie on the list is "Deep Rescue." I generally love the sci-fi action/adventure. It's possible that my appreciation for the genre makes me more critical than I should be, but this is a giant, space shuttle-shaped turd floating in the toilet bowl of film as we know it.The script seems to be a race to see how many clichés each character can jam in per shot. The acting/directing looks like they all flunked out of the William Shatner School of Dramatic Emphasis. The most shameful mess was how often the story ripped off other considerably more brilliant deep sea crisis flicks, particularly "The Abyss." It was such a flagrant steal that I expected pretty little water aliens to appear when the romantic leads get stuck in a collapsing DSRV. I imagine the creatures would be queued in right after the couple promises to survive for one another and hang on no matter what even though they fought non-stop for the first 100 minutes of the movie just like Bud and Lindsay. But with an obviously limited special effects budget, someone's nephew would have had to draw the little space angels on overhead transparency and wiggle them around behind a fish tank. Maybe they couldn't even afford a 4th grader, particularly if he was working for scale.I won't say that "Deep Rescue" is as bad as the 2005 rehash of "Pride and Prejudice," because P&P was actually trying to be literary. But this pretty bloody terrible. I'd love to see MST3k revived just for this monstrosity.
enterprise_m Let me just say, I only saw the last 45 minutes of this, but I freaking loved it. A great idea, because let's face it, a space ship underwater is cool. Also great acting. I smell sequel. I was kicking myself for not tuning in sooner and therefore seeing the whole movie. Plus I was in China when I saw it so I didn't even know what channel I was watching. But like I said, this movie was great. I was about to go to bed, but just five minutes hooked me and I watched till the end. A great time. I would recommend this movie to any of my friends, as it is definitely one that can be watched more than once. And you can bet your bottom dollar that when I find this movie for purchase, I will in fact do so, and then not only watch it from the beginning but invite my friends to do so as well.