Deep in the Wood
Deep in the Wood
| 19 November 2015 (USA)
Deep in the Wood Trailers

When young Tommi goes missing during a festival in the Dolomites in 2010, his parents are devastated. Five years later, a boy is found with no name or records; DNA tests prove it is Tommi. But while Tommi's father Manuel welcomes him back with open arms, his mother Linda is not convinced that it is her son. Suspicion and superstition permeate the pores of this eerie mystery thriller.

SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
kosmasp You don't even have to have kids to understand what the main character is going through. You probably are aware what the inciting incident is, something happening very early on with his son. But what is it exactly? And could it have been prevented? And by whom could it have been prevented? Not to mention the question of what actually happened ... are there evil forces at work here? It's something that will keep you on the edge of your seat.And it's really suspenseful, with quite a few twists and a few things happening along the way. And it's all because the viewer has to constantly guess what is going on. Very clever little thriller, that holds its tension until the end, especially if nobody spoiled the experience for you.
MattyGibbs A young boy goes missing during the Krampus festival. He reappears 5 years later but is he the same boy and where has he been. Set in the Dolomites in Italy this is a good looking, moody if slow burning mystery that pitches up the tension nicely. It takes it's time to get going but once it does this is a really good intriguing mystery. It's a good old fashioned film relying on strong acting ( an outstanding performance from Filippo Nigro) and a good script. There aren't any CGI thrills here or blood and guts just a superb sense of menace as the story unravels. If only more English language films took a leaf out of this one's book. Many thrillers fail at the final hurdle but I thought this one had a good ending which made what went beforehand worthwhile. This is a classy thriller and well worth watching if you're a fan of foreign films.
lloyd150 This thriller may not be completely original, long lost and thought dead young son returns is he the same child, but kept me guessing. The added back stories of the other characters is a good secondary storyline which helps build the suspense. Add in the thoughts of local mythology and a small part of the supernatural and it is hard to predict how the film was going to play out. Perhaps in the world of US dominated films where everything is accompanied with over the top explosions, plots and unrealistic endings this film is like a breath of fresh air. Do not be put off by he subtitles and the unknown cast are excellent.
Paul Beasley I really enjoyed this clever film. It was a bit predictable in places but also threw me a few times. I watched it with my wife and we wondered all the time weather/when it was going to get super natural. I will not spoil it for you, but we really enjoyed it and it was easy to follow the Italian and translation.The setting is really good being set in a valley in the Dolomites. It had a Winter feel to it that adds to the tension. Once we got past the first 20 minutes which takes an age to set the plot we were lost in the story and I have thought about it quite a few times since watching it, which for me is the sign of a really good film.