Deep Blood
Deep Blood
| 20 September 1990 (USA)
Deep Blood Trailers

Several young men have to stop an ancient native American evil in the form of a killer shark which is attacking a small beach community.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
abigailjeffries Unlike some of the other Italian rip-off shark movies I've seen, this one is not all stock footage. It does steel footage from The Last Shark, but it also has its own mechanical shark and its own live shark footage. The movie's story has its sad moments, and that's part of a good film to me. The music is pretty bad, though. There are a couple good sounding themes in there but other than that, it's bad movie music. This isn't really a Jaws rip-off, more of a knock-off of The Last Shark since it has stock footage from it. In this movie, there is a wise old Indian who is very well acted and plays a very good role in the story. Other than the music, it's a good movie.
The_Void The Jaws rip off is the trashiest of the all the Italian 'genres', and director Joe D'Amato is second only to the great Jess Franco in the trash film production stakes. Put the two together and what do you get? A gigantic piece of trash, of course. Unfortunately it's not trash in the good sense of the word either, as Deep Blood delivers more in boredom than it does in hilarity. To the film's credit, it does actually attempt something bordering on a plot; but to take said credit away from the film - the plot is rubbish. It has something to do with a group of friends taking of an oath (of friendship) and then some Indian curse that manifests itself into a shark. Or at least I think that's what was going on. Anyway, the majority of the film is padded out with boring dialogue and 'drama', and the shark itself - which lets not forget, is the only thing we really want to see - finds itself in merely a cameo role. Or not even that since most the shark is actually stock footage! Despite being a trash genre, there are actually a lot of fun Jaws rip-offs; but with this one, Joe D'Amato makes it clear that he couldn't be bothered to even try, and the result is what must be the worst Italian shark movie of all time. Avoid this dross.
Michael_Elliott Deep Blood (1989) * 1/2 (out of 4) Joe D'Amato's next to last horror film is yet another Italian rip off of Jaws. After a group of friends take a blood pack, their friendship is put to the test when one of them is eaten by a shark. This is without question the worst of the Italian rips I've seen but I do have two more coming to me. The film has one suspenseful moment, the first attack, but after that everything is pretty dull. There's not a fake shark used throughout the film. Instead we get stock footage of a real shark that naturally never matches up to watch we're seeing in the other footage. Since no fake shark is being used, all of the attacks are rather silly.
cornjob-2 I like to think of myself as a bad movie connoisseur. I like to think that the films most people label as the worst of all time I can easily withstand.But...there are exceptions. I can only recall three movies I have had the misfortune to see that I have repeatedly used the fast-forward button for large chunks of the story. Those movies are The Mighty Gorga, Night of the Seagulls, and this little crap, Deep Blood.In the world of Jaws ripoffs, this falls off the scale. Deep Blood doesn't have the realistic storyline of the original Crocodile, nor the incredible effects of The Sea Serpent, nor the commentary of Tintorera. No, instead we are treated to a handful of teens from any random failed '80s public access sitcom battling bullies and the local sheriff.Shark attacks are realized by quick cuts of documentary footage with actors thrashing about in the water, occasionally with a bit of what appears to be orange-ish paint thrown into the water. Not a minute of original shark footage exists in this celluloid waste dump.Normally, I, or somebody like me, would read a dismal review like this one and say "cool, I gotta find a copy of this!" That's the same thought I had when I read another viewer's review on this very site. How wrong I was.So...from one bad movie fan to another...let this collect dust on the shelf...grab Up From the Depths or The Great Alligator instead to satisfy your need for something evil lurking in the water.