Decadent Evil
Decadent Evil
| 25 June 2005 (USA)
Decadent Evil Trailers

A fallen foot tall Homunculus called Marvin (a part human/part reptile creature) is imprisoned in a birdcage by a vengeful lover who is bidding to become the world's most powerful vampire.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Platypuschow I've always had a soft spot for Full Moon Productions. They are cheesy light hearted horror films with a certain charm about them that have kicked off several major horror franchises.Though the acting is usually poor and the sfx dreadful I have to say I do far prefer creature features over modern CGI driven drivel.Here is a vampire tale and the whole thing despite being modern for a Full Moon Production movie feels like a true loyal one of their films and holds all of the original charm.Don't get me wrong Decadent Evil is hardly a good film but it has it's qualities if you take the time to look.I mean for a start besides the usual Full Moon charm we have the excellent Phil Fondacaro in a role that is frighteningly similar to his in the Tales From The Crypt movie Bordello Of Blood (1996). Ontop of that we have a decent enough storyline and slightly above par cast.Again I know it's cheesy, I know it's really not exactly a good film alike any of Full Moons stuff but it's a neat throwback to the VHS days and that to me is a good thing.The film also contains one of the most unusual sex scenes in cinema history. Comparable to Team America World Police (2004) and that's all I'm going to say.Dumb but harmless fun and a welcome addition to Full Moons horror library.
ExploitedMisfit Okay, Here ya go. This movie includes Vampires, Strippers, Midget Vampire Hunters, and gratuitous Puppet Sex! This alone made me want to see the movie. Of course i love bad movies. The Puppets don't look terribly real, the Acting is wooden (including the puppets, heh) and the action is sketchy at parts, however the special effects are pretty darn good. All the above just adds to the fun of the movie for me. The thing that surprised me pleasantly about this movie is that this is part of the SubSpecies set of Movies, that as far as i can tell in all in continuity. When i started watching the movie i was a bit confused since you have to sit through about 10 minutes of preamble about the Vampire Ash, and all of his brood. Is it important to the movie? No,but it is neat especially as a fan of the SubSpecies movies like me. If you enjoy the horror movies that make you laugh, this one is a must rent.
johnatfarscape I do believe that the screen play was so very well written that other studio exec's should really take a good look at the young man who made this movie at all possible.... This is a good movie for what the audience's crave for in the horror genre. Rightly so, it was given to them full force. This movie has all of the main ingredient's. This movie was not written by a novice.... Someone who knew what they were doing made this movie possible. The screen writer is the person who pulled this movie together. More studio exec's really should take a much better look at this screen play writer's potential. He could be the next great screen writer in he history of Hollywood. I have a feeling he is going to be the next Brando of screen writing. Comments by:Shister's Mister.
konadick This is a decent film for its kind. The story moves along with snappy, hardboiled dialogue and Phil Fondecaro and Raelyn Hennessee stand out as the midget Van Helsing and vampire stripper, respectively. Writer August White was known for a few stinkers (try "Petrified"), but in this one he manages to jack up the conventions of a sleazy genre and keeps what could have been a sagging storyline moving at lightning speed. To be honest, you can't help but expect a bit of T & A with straight-to-video movies like this, and in this respect Decadent Evil was disappointing. Still, there is the obligatory strip club scenery (it's rumored White was an uncredited patron in the opening scene) and plenty of nubile women to earn the "Decadent" part of the title. And there's evil in it as well, in the form of a wonderfully hideous little creature called a homunculus (just wait till you see the end!). All in all, a pretty good bit of entertainment from Full Moon.