Death Toll
Death Toll
| 15 April 2008 (USA)
Death Toll Trailers

New Orleans has the No. 1 per capita murder rating in the nation. A decade earlier, the city was dubbed the "Murder Capital of the Country". Drugs and violence controlled the streets, taking a toll on the city's law enforcement, neighborhoods, and its people. "Death Toll" illustrates this dark chapter in the city's history.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
adonis98-743-186503 New Orleans has the No. 1 per capital murder rating in the nation. A decade earlier the city was dubbed the "Murder Capital of the Country." Drugs and violence controlled the streets, taking a toll on the city's law enforcement, neighborhoods and its people. Illustrating this dark chapter in the city's history is "Death Toll". If you cut out the annoying DMX flashbacks, the dumb acting and dialogue Death Toll is an OK movie if you like action and any of this actors you might enjoy this film it's no masterpiece and there are a lot of bad things in it but for what it is it was a watchable movie to kill your time. I'm going to give it a 7 out of 10 it wasn't perfect but it was a nice and OK film nothing more.
asdfh-26-437951 don't watch this if you're expecting great acting performances. if you are from new orleans/baton rouge (well at least certain parts lol) you will recognize some of the "actors" in the movie. these are guys from the street. some are rappers, some are former drug dealers etc. the "pee wee" character is a rapper named nussie who died a few years ago. this movie is a pretty accurate portrayal of his music and real life unfortunately. laughable "acting" especially considering some of the people involved. dmx is only in it for a few minutes. i cant help but to think that maybe lou diamond and keshia knight must be in terrible financial straits to green light a movie like this.
donjopi Very funny, I got this movie by mistake, The clerks (now that is a good movie:)) at the shop accidentally put this DVD in the box of the one I wanted to see. After the first 2 minutes (already realizing it was the wrong movie) I started to believe it was a really really bad porn movie. It wasn't, just unbelievable bad. period. I tried to watch it just for the fun, but that soon seemed to be impossible. It wasn't even funny bad. Just bad. Bad bad bad bad bad. Honest i didn't know this was possible.But it was helpful in a way. Because of the absolute absence of proper lighting and acting for that matter, I know have so much more respect for 'normal'movies.
mathildakorah i had to wait a couple of weeks to be able to rent this movie at red box because i was exited to see what was in store for movie fans. i was surprised to see how bad it was. in fact i did not finish it, "boring as hell". i do not understand why Lou and DMX can be in a movie that bad. i wanted to see it because of them, not the title. if the intent of the movie was to show the reality of violence and drug in some neighborhoods or how hard life can be in them, there are movies that have done a better job. how can two well known and good actors participate or even produce what looks like a low budget and non professional movie. a few minutes after i started to watch the movie i was no longer interested in finishing it. there was too many mistakes and i was confused. i had a hard time following the story and that's annoying. none of the actors acted as pro even those who are suppose to be. after seeing DMX with Steven Seagal and with Jet Lee in other movies i could not believe he was involved in that farce that was a shock. it's a good thing that the movie was free, i would have regretted my money. i still regret the time i spent being all exited. actors should think before putting their names or participate in certain projects. where are the friends and the critics? MDX better get serious next time he wants to produce another movie. that people, was not good at all