Death Laid an Egg
Death Laid an Egg
| 09 January 1968 (USA)
Death Laid an Egg Trailers

A love triangle develops between three people who run a high tech chicken farm. It involves Anna (who owns the farm), her husband Marco (who kills prostitutes in his spare time) and Gabriella (the very beautiful secretary). Marco continues to kill as jealousy becomes more prevalent on the farm.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bribaba Poultry is the key theme here. There are problems down on the chicken farm and so a marketing manager is brought in to sort things out. His belief is that 'chickens are an integral part of society' and before you say 'cluck' he's come up with some brand new concepts: playboy poultry, feathery smoking jackets and 'chicken happenings in the room of truth'.But then what to do about the mutations that have suddenly started appearing on the farm and which give a whole new meaning to the term' headless chicken'? Boss Jean-Louis Trintignant has been too busy with (possibly murderous) S&M sessions at the local hotel to notice. But then someone squawks to the cops and he's forced to go on the lam. Meanwhile, his wife Gina Lollobridgida and her dizzy blonde secretary hatch a plan of their own. Cameraman Dario Di Palma shoots it all with a flair that matches the abstract paintings on the walls of the interiors, while the editing evokes memories of the underground. The dubbing is terrible and I'd say switch the sound off but then you'd miss a great avant garde score from Bruno Maderna and some frankly unbelievable dialogue. Sum total: genius.
myblackgloves This is a very strange giallo.I'm hesitant to even call it a giallo because it doesn't really have the style that we're used to when discussing the genre.I'd recommend it for fans of violent, offbeat movies. Mutant chickens? Tape recorded murder fantasies? Great stuff. There's a lot of fetishes.. like a guy covering his head in tape. It's sort of like a movie where people are just plain crazy.. but not in an uncontrolled surrealistic way. There's a giant egg, too. Sex, psychoses, and industrial terrorism (who killed the new headless mutant chickens?). It does not get any better than this. Hope this gets a proper Region 1 release.
angelsunchained This has to be, and I mean has to be, the worst, and I mean worst movie ever made! I saw this major stink-bomb on Miami Beach, at the Cinema Theater on Washington and 12th Street. My dad was with me, and he was a real movie lover. We went to the movies at least 3 days a week, and on many weekends we went movie-theater hopping seeing 6 films in one day! Anyhow, even my dad thought this was the all-time worst. This film makes Plan 9 from Outer Space look like Citizen Kane! Now it's hip for movie lovers to rate this a "cult" classic, representing the acid-rock of the late 1960s. The truth to the matter is, this is a bizarre, weird, strange, dull, slow-moving, badly scripted, and terribly acted, piece of junk. And I liked "Satin's Sadists"! So, I usually like the off-beat and obscure films as well. But, I'm sorry I say, I really can't think of one good thing to say about this film. So, for me at least, PLUKED, is a real Turkey!!!!
wes676767 A fun, if more convoluted than usual, giallo. My copy seemed to end rather abruptly and with much in the air. Not sure if that was how it was supposed to end or what but nonetheless, I enjoyed it and especially enjoyed Ewa Aulin, who was quite the hottie.