Deadbeat at Dawn
Deadbeat at Dawn
NR | 18 November 1988 (USA)
Deadbeat at Dawn Trailers

Goose leaves the gang life behind after pleas from his girlfriend. But it isn't long before he's pulled back into the world of violence.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
DiscoStu222 One of the biggest travesties of the whole film industry is that a movie with as much soul and invention as Deadbeat at Dawn will be seen by so few people. Though I have nothing against the people that made the following movies it is a joke that Little Nicky, The Grudge and a million other mainstream 'vessel for the stars' flicks will receive so much more attention than films of this ilk. What Van Bebber has achieved here is nothing short of amazing, a gritty, powerful movie with fight scenes better than the choreographed run of the mill stuff you'll viddy in most films. It's the sort of movie which inspires. And although I'm too lazy to get off my ass, it makes me want to make my own low budget movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti Hollywood and not every low budget film is this good but please watch this film, enjoy it, and then tell your friends about it. Together we will educate the world!!!
EVOL666 I see that this film seems to have many hard-core supporters, and although I liked it well enough, I was a little disappointed after actually seeing it. Not that DEADBEAT AT DAWN was a bad film by any means...It just didn't quite live up to what I thought it would...Goose is the leader of a gang who's ready to quit the life and settle with his girlfriend. Other gang members don't find this acceptable, and end up killing Goose's girlfriend. Of course this doesn't sit well with our protagonist and revenge is sweet...sorta...For a low-budget film, this one is pretty good. A good amount of violence and a decent straight-forward plot (along with Goose's AWESOME nunchaku skills...) make up for mediocre acting and dialog (and the plethora of horrible mullets and other hair-style infringements...). Overall, I would recommend this for anyone who digs gritty, exploit-style films as this one DOES deliver. The last fight scene is worth the wait. Worth a look, just don't expect TOO much...7/10
Alexander_Keith While watching Deadbeat @ Dawn I was having a pretty difficult time trying to put a finger on what my feelings were about this film until Keith from the Ravens (I think that's who it was) took a swig of Jack Daniels and chased it w/ a mouth full of Bush beer. I laughed gagging (not the first and definitely not the last time while watching) because that was exactly the taste that this movie was leaving in my mouth : bitter/sour and cheap but a pretty wicked buzz after awhile. Producer/writer/director/actor/editor/stunt choreographer/ special makeup effects artist Jim Van Bebber pulls off some fairly excessive stylized screen violence w/ a minuscule budget but the weakly scripted directionless performances stretches it thin. It's amateur shines through in many scenes containing dialogue and lose editing (especially in the first half) throwing off the pacing; making a fairly short film seem long in the tooth. In the end it feels like Troma w/out any zaniness…Well a little zaniness. Ninja stars and golf club beatings are pretty zany.
pearceduncan Deadbeat At Dawn is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Its miniscule budget works in its favour, and the amateur acting, while unpolished, is mostly very convincing. The acting honours go to Mark Pitman as Bone Crusher; despite minimal screen time and dialogue, he's unforgettable. Writer/director/editor/make-up supervisor/stunt coordinator/star Jim Van Bebber does an excellent all-around job, abetted by Michael King's cinematography. The psychedelic kaleidoscopic transitions are a bit much, but otherwise this is an excellent movie.