Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
R | 10 October 2014 (USA)
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead Trailers

The gruesome Nazi Zombies are back to finish their mission, but our hero is not willing to die. He is gathering his own army to give them a final fight.

TinsHeadline Touches You
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
TonyMontana96 After the pleasantly surprising first picture, I expected an even better second outing, but what I got was a film too stupid for its own good, with annoying side character's and outlandish, very silly moments that make the first picture seem like a documentary. Aside from one neat, well-choreographed battle sequence and a good central performance from the returning Vegar Hoel (Martin), the film is a mess. This time the jokes are way off, I didn't laugh and found some of the violence reprehensible and pointless, for example there's one scene where The Nazi loses his arm, Martin's car goes off the road and he wakes up in a hospital, with his arm reattached only it's not his, and during an escape from the hospital he kills a young child by accident and tries to see if he's breathing, gut's spray the screen and you see the child motionless and ripped open, I'm guessing this was an attempt at humour, but it was distasteful and unfunny.They try to include a more advanced story this time, using a plot device that shows the Zombie's main objective and what they really wanted, which was not the gold, but it's tacked on and forced and really pointless. Whenever a horror or comedy film works really well, there's usually a sequel, one that never feels anything but disappointing, and here we are, but somehow this one is awful. The new character's, Monica, Daniel and Blake are nerds with irritating personalities, one of them continuously references Star Wars and at one point says "May the force be with you", now is this meant to be a badass zombie picture or a nerd's round up point, the screenwriters seem to be mistaken as there's nothing cool about this gory nerd-fest. There's plenty of unnecessary carnage too where the zombies storm into a peaceful town and butcher families who were merely living in the wrong town at the wrong time, now the film think's this is entertaining but It's actually repulsive because it's not necessarily a fight, but a massacre that never needed to happen.Other problems include terrible dialogue, predictable, lame clichés and a lot of dreadful camera-work from Tommy Wirkola who at times makes the violence look incoherent. The thing that really sealed the nail in the coffin was the ending though; which has Martin digging up his dead girlfriend, so he can resurrect her, and have sex with her in the back of a car whilst Bonnie Tyler's Total eclipse of the heart play's in the background, over the top and disgusting even for a zombie picture, and it was not funny, it was cringeworthily bad and summed up the film as a whole, stupid, pointless and a massive, dreary disappointment. Dead Snow 2 is so awful, it has put me off ever seeing the third one, when it eventually comes out, and I can tell, they will make up another ridiculous story to keep this franchise running.
Eddie Cantillo Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead(2014) Starring: Vegar Hoel, Ørjan Gamst, Martin Starr, Jocelyn DeBoer, Ingrid Haas, Stig Frode Henriksen, Hallvard Holmen, Kristoffer Joner, Amrita Acharia, Derek Mears, Christian Rubeck, Bjarte Tjøstheim, Charlotte Frogner, Jesper Sundnes, Tage Guddingsmo, and David Skaufjord Directed By: Tommy Wirkola Review HEADS UP. THEY'RE BACK. Hello Kiddies your Pal The Crypt-Critic with a another Nazi Zombi adventure. But I wonder why it's still called Dead Snow when there's no snow at all in the film. Oh who cares. The gruesome Nazi Zombies are back to finish their mission, but our hero is not willing to die. He is gathering his own army to give them a final fight. With me not enjoying these films as much (I guess it's because I'm more of a vampire person than a zombie when it comes to horror) I got to say this sequel was much more silly and just went for it. The last film started out like your typical slasher, teens go to a cabin only in the mountains and they get killed one by one. But this sequel takes it to the city and they have full blown war, much like the first one again. But this one is more intense and even has a great fun to watch fist fight between the main character and the major Nazi zombie leader. Some of the effects do look better than the last film but that isn't saying much because they were awful. The Direction is still just as good as the first film, this is from the same director who brought us Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters, a film I quite enjoy. He is great at making dumb-silly fun films that are a blast to sit through. Dead Snow 2:Red VS Dead is much the same silly fun as the first film but with much more fun sequences and luckily was replaced with English audio so I didn't have to read subtitles again. I'm giving Dead Snow 2: Red Vs Dead a three and a half out of five.
brando647 I've never had the chance to see the original DEAD SNOW but I was lucky enough to stumble on its sequel, RED VS. DEAD, and jumped on it. I mean, Nazi zombies…why not? Zombie movies are a dime a dozen anymore and Nazis are popping up more and more as the go-to baddies in genre films (IRON SKY, great flick) but I'd heard good things about these movies and wanted to check it out. DEAD SNOW has gained cult popularity similar to DOG SOLDIERS (another one I want to see) so it's probably worth a watch. The second film, apparently, begins right where the original film left off. Martin (Vegar Hoel) has narrowly escaped with his life following the encounter with Nazi zombies that left his friends dead and cost him his right arm. The cursed Nazi gold hoard has been returned and there is hope the monsters will return to their resting place. No such luck. The zombies, under the command of the evil Herzog (Ørjan Gamst), are determined to complete their original mission from the war: an attack on the coastal Norwegian village of Talvik. With the zombies on the move and adding to their undead ranks every step of the way, Martin realizes he'll need help to stop them. But with local police believing him responsible for the murders of the first film, where can he turn? A chance encounter leads Martin into contact with the trio of amateur zombie hunters from the United States ready and eager for their chance to shine: the Zombie Squad.DEAD SNOW 2 is fun but it's got its issues. It's really good and moves along at a strong pace until about halfway through the movie. There's a good mix of dark humor and visceral violence. Despite the whole Nazi zombie and bloody dismemberments, this is definitely more a comedy than a horror film. The filmmakers know the whole premise is insane and their goal is to go wild and have fun. The violence is so over the top that it's practically cartoonish. There's a running gag playing off the fact that at the start of the film, due to bizarre circumstances, Herzog's arm has been grafted onto Martin and this arm has given him a shared power with the Nazi commander to reanimate the dead. There's one poor zombie that can't help but die over and over again as Martin continues to reanimate him as his own loyal zombie lapdog. Babies are exploded, little old ladies have their heads caved in…no one is safe. Director Tommy Wirkola is obviously trying to see how far he can take it and it's all done in good fun. The movie is a haven for gorehounds. The zombie attacks are awesome, which is why it was disappointing in the last act of the movie when it went from comedy/horror to a large-scale action scene for the final battle. The final battle goes on longer than necessary and ruins the momentum, stumbling at the film's finish line.The Zombie Squad brings some cheese to the movie. The trio is the usual over- excited zombie enthusiasts that operate out of their parents' attics/basements and have gleaned their "skills" from zombie movie marathons. The head of the Squad, Daniel (Martin Starr of HBO's "Silicon Valley"), sees this as a chance for their team to gain some notoriety. His two beautiful associates Monica and Blake (Jocelyn DeBoer and Ingrid Haas) are sort of comic relief, if an onslaught of Star Wars references is enough for a chuckle. Mostly, the Squad exists to provide exposition through Daniel's expertise. Outside of Martin and Daniel, the rest of the characters aren't overly developed. This becomes a problem when the movie detours away from Martin and Daniel's story to give us an action sequence with the girls and the unfortunate Glenn Kenneth (Stig Frode Henriksen). Glenn is a one-note joke; the audience is expected to laugh at the idea that he's apparently a closeted homosexual that won't own up to it. The joke doesn't fly as well as it might've a decade ago, unless Norway isn't as progressive and that sort of thing is still a gag over there. Glenn is the worst example of the lack of characterization in DEAD SNOW 2. Each person in the film (with the exception of Martin and Daniel) is just a personality quirk with a name. Unfortunately, any humor to be mined from that runs out pretty fast. DEAD SNOW 2 is at its best when zombies are eviscerating terrorized masses and, when it stops doing that, it falters.
quincytheodore Sometimes a movie is so absurdly fun, it can get away with almost anything, Dead Snow 2 is almost that kind of movie. The premise is ridiculous, it involves an army of Nazi zombies running amok in Norway. Focus of this movie hinges entirely of how fun the gore can be, and to its credit, with tongue-in-cheek script it's pretty enjoyable. However, there are a few segments that diminish the amusement, most notably the contrast on dark scenes.Martin had a bad experience, he's awakened Nazi zombies by taking their gold on a snowy mountain. After losing his friends and lover, he manages to escape and finds refuge. Little did he know that the Nazi zombies have a knack to invade people. The acting isn't superior, but the actors do well on producing more comical effect. Characters are few and they are introduced with over-the-top personality quite effectively.The movie knows the genre and its demography well, producing more mayhem and a dash more imagination than most zombie movies. It has good sense of humor, rather dark and a bit desensitizing, although strangely fitting for the concept. It doesn't possesses elegance not does it try to, there's barely any five minutes where blood isn't displayed gloriously.The carnage is made with practical effects, they look convincingly brutal and will please the fans of the genre. Make-up and costume department did their job well as the zombies do look unique. As far as the deaths go, Dead Snow 2 has a few creative ones. Unfortunately, there's a bit of inconsistency in plot where the characters pop-up, survive miraculously or act in very stupid manner. Admittedly, they are minor things since the movie already suspends the viewer disbelief.Its main setback is it's uncomfortably dark when it doesn't need to be. The cinematography is good at outdoor as well as in daylight, however it becomes too blurry at night scenes or those in relatively dark area, which a good portion of the movie occurs at. This inevitably dulls the experience.Dead Snow 2 confidently boasts exaggerated theme with mortifying amount of blood and self-aware humor, and despite having a few faults, it will most likely entertain fans of horror genre.
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