Dead Inside
Dead Inside
| 10 November 2011 (USA)
Dead Inside Trailers

Sarah, a mentally-disturbed teen, has a jarring premonition of her friends' impending deaths one night at a sleepover. As her house guests begin to turn murderously against each other, Sarah must determine whether her visions represent the preventable or the inevitable... or something entirely more sinister.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
FountainPen This "movie" stinks from start to finish. It seems to have been shot in almost full darkness, with no lights ~ perhaps a budget factor, but why not choose areas that are fairly bright during the daytime ??? The audio is dreadful, and the "actors" mumble & slur their words ~ at first I thought they must be speaking Swedish or Norwegian, for I could not catch any words at all ! The "story" is rubbish, the effects childish, the direction non-existent. Nothing new or creative here. This is one to AVOID COMPLETELY unless someone pays you a handsome sum to watch it. 0/10.
shawnblackman A woman with a ton of issues who takes a ton of pills decides to have some friends from school over for a party. The woman has a Final Destination vision and tells them all how they are going to die. All the doors seemed to be locked from the outside trapping everyone inside and soon her predictions come true.This thing sucked pretty bad. The whole delivery was just awful. Even the setup was hokey and why wasn't anyone trying to get out? The acting was crap as well. The ending to this just made the film even worse. I seen this under the title The Evil Inside but I think Dead Inside was a better description of how you feel afterwards. Avoid this one.
BA_Harrison Sarah is a mopey, pale-faced teenager who is about to start at a new school, so her parents arrange for Lucy (Sage Howard) to come round for a sleepover while they go out for the entire night, clearly happy to be away from their miserable daughter. Lucy, not wishing to be stuck with sulky Sarah on her own, invites all of her friends and so begins the world lamest party, any enjoyment sucked out of proceedings by the miserable 'host'. For reasons that make no sense whatsoever, but which suit the plot, all of the doors and windows are automatically locked from the outside, which means that when the 'guests' start to die, as predicted by fun-sponge Sarah, no-one can escape.This film features loathsome characters who behave implausibly throughout, but that's OK because, in one of the most over-used plot twists in the genre, everything we see is happening inside Sarah's troubled mind. With such an unlikeable bunch of (imaginary) teenagers, one might reasonably expect to derive some pleasure from their untimely (imaginary) demises, but the (imaginary) death scenes are executed in such a lame, bloodless fashion that horror fans are even robbed of that basic pleasure. The film ends, none too soon, with a drawn out 'reveal' whereby Sarah's parents talk through the entire plot twist in detail for those viewers who haven't already figured things out for themselves.
Leofwine_draca The only reason this film seems to exist is so a group of Chinese-American high school students can get together and make some cash, or at least so it seems to me. Because THE EVIL INSIDE is one of the silliest, dullest and worst written exercises in so-called 'horror' that I've had the misfortune watching in a good while.The 'story' - although it can barely be labelled as such, it's so slim - goes that a mentally disturbed teen, Sarah, hosts a party for a group of college buddies (it turns out to be one of the worst parties ever put on film, but never mind). While this is going on she starts to have visions of their future ghosts, and of course people start dying before long. Except it's so low budget that there are virtually no effects and the whole thing is nearly bloodless.(Oh wait, there was one shot of a bloody corpse with lines of stage blood criss-crossing her arms. It looks like nothing more than something who squirted strawberry sauce over their ice cream and had me burst into laughter.) Eventually - because although this is a short film it feels like it goes on forever - there turns out to be this huge psychological twist, but it's cringeworthy at best. Needless to say the acting from the unknown cast is appalling and the film as a whole should be consigned to oblivion.