Dead End
Dead End
| 14 October 2007 (USA)
Dead End Trailers

A group of young people head off on a vacation. When the car breaks down they're forced to find help. In the woods they find a house and some angry dogs which were by their car too. They decide to enter the house and that's where all the madness begins.

Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ralf-856-781275 So, as a long-time horror fan i just had to watch this home-ground made movie of course. After reading the comments here, i postponed it for a while. But now i've seen it, it is way better as my fellow reviewers suggest.Is it a great script, preformed by marvelous actors? no, certainly not. But name me 3 horror-movies that do. This is a very descent movie. The script is not bad at all. Maybe it is a bit slow at some points, as other reviewers point out, but conversations are better then usual in horrors. The big story-line isn't revolutionary, but it's 'unique' enough not be boring. The special fx aren't overwhelming, but they are convincing. Guess you cannot get any better within the budget.The acting is actually quite nice. Some of these actors are dutch soap actors (Im not into that), but there was very little overacting. With the big emotions (fear, grief, anger) in this story, it would be easy to screw up, but they didn't. The biggest problem i had was the guy who is attacked first, and dragged around by his friends. His state of 'dying/illness' varies a bit too much. Combined with the bad grime/makeup job they did on him, he appears more like a zombie, not like a badly injured guy. Well, i'm nitpicking here.Overall, both me and my girlfriend where pleasantly surprised. It's oké. If you had the time to make it to the end of this review, just watch the darn thing. It's not a movie to remember for years, but it will give you a nice evening. Especially if you're dutch and like horrors, you should not skip this one.
eemflibble Picked this DVD up on a five-hour wait in Schiphol and watched it that night in a hotel room. I was hoping that it would have some of that black-humour quality that 'De Lift' has, but this movie really doesn't have much to recommend it at all. The pacing is off, the story is lacking and by an hour into the movie, the urge to turn it off and check my email instead was slowly becoming overwhelming. Still, I watched the rest of it, and it's just as bad as other reviews suggest that it is. As a rule, you stop caring about the characters long before you find out what happens to them. So disappointing... but next time I pass through Schiphol I'll still be checking the Dutch DVD section in the airport shops...
teunpel When I first heard the Netherlands was going to make a scary movie I got really exited. It took a while before the website was launched and the trailer was released. The trailer looked really professional so I was really looking forward to it. The film poster did not look cheap like those of most Dutch movies but looked like it could have been from the States. With a low budget the filmmakers managed to make a scary movie which is no worse than its American or Asian equivalent.The quality of the movie is good enough to be released in the rest of Europe. Though there is room for improvement, the special make-up, visual effects, sets, music and sound effects are really great and demonstrates the talent and capability of people to create a good movie. The tone of the music and storyline resembles the Asian style. Dark atmosphere and colors and an evil cursed house with a dark history. The image quality etc. looks like the American style horror movie with one main difference. In the typical American scary movie the black people and blond girls die first. We also know from minute one who is gonna live. This movie completely breaks away from it (the blond girl and black guy are the last remaining. The movie is shot with HD camera's and special effects such as green screen are used effectively.Unlike the Asian horror style it does not have a huge plot twist at the end or many disturbing things in it. There are multiple threats and the seven friends must uncover the dark history of the house before it kills them all. The background story is not very simple and maybe to hard to understand. Even though the story is not most original (a cursed and haunted house, good friends on holiday, etc), and it closely resembles the American and Asian style, it's still good. I don't understand why people don't like it just because it looks like the conventional American and Asian thing, that's a good thing, right? This means it is of the same quality as two great movie industries and is appealing to a large public.Another discussion is the title. All Dutch people seem to have the preconceived idea that a scary movie can only have a good title if the title is English. I do not agree. Scream, Halloween Resurrection, Final Destination, The Ring etc. Dutch people think they sound scary but it's not like the title has the same impact on native speakers. Does De Laatste Bestemming or De Kring sound scary to you? Of course not! A horror title does not have to make you pee your pants from fear it just has to sound dark.The movie starts of with a blast. A women in despair in a burning house screaming for her baby and burning to death. We meet the main characters in very short amount of time. It would be better if we would have got to know them a bit better so we would have more sympathy for them. Maybe it was a budgetary problem. It does not really become clear the friends want to go climbing in the Scottish mountains either because we don't hear them talking about it or preparing for it. The old friends sit around a fire and are attacked by dogs. They try to drive away from them but hit a tree. The car chase was a good thing but it went to fast and the camera movements were to wild. The first half hour is scary but the sense of the intensity of the situation does not come through. Only when the first person dies and people are burned by an evil burning panic starts to spread.A great job done by the actors who are truly shocked by the situation and cry, tremble, scream etc. Every actor does a great job although not all of them have any depth. My compliments to Anniek, Victoria, Mads and Everon for their great acting. They convincingly portrayed the people and the fear and shock of it all. The cursed and haunted house is truly scary and the music carriers the movie. There are several really scary moments such as the encounters with Mary McBane, the closet, the visions and other moments. Vulgus, the demon child was really creepy and he moved in an odd way. I feel the movie would have been way more uncomfortable if we would have seen more of him. The dialogs are not fantastic but this does not disturb the movie.The house is really old and creepy and contains jars with fetuses, old paintings, a laundry room etc. As the movie gets along the dark history is uncovered and more people die. The movie builds up to a nice climax with great music, visual effects, acting and a great shock. The movie truly is a scary movie with shocking moments, scary settings, music and contains gross and heavy moments. The only thing I wonder about is why the story was set in Scotland and not in The Netherlands. We have had witch trials too.It is unfair people refuse to see this movie just because it is Dutch. The Dutch are so accustomed to be negative about their own product and so positive about anything that is not Dutch. It is just weird. We should be a little more positive and proud of the movies and artists who are good and at least give them a shot. I really advice everyone to at least watch it once and judge for yourself. I hope the Netherlands will start making more genre movies not just comedies and book adaptations. Maybe a good action thriller? If only more money could be spend on making movies, the quality would improve greatly because there is plenty of talent.
visser_matthijs Nice try to be the second successful Dutch horror movie. After the Lift from Dick Maas released in 1983, no Dutch horror movie was released successfully. The film is a mix from Blair Witch, Cube, The Ring, Evil Dead and the Blob and is not very original. The writer from Doodeind is a big fan from Evil Dead and brings "the book of dead" an homage. The movie brings nothing new, but looks good and has a few scary moments. I was very surprised of the acting work from a few leading actors in a positive way. Only Victoria Koblenko's acting is very bad. It is even hard to call it acting, it is so bad and I had the idea that she used an autocue in every scene. In the beginning her miscasting is quite funny but start to get irritating after a few minutes and then you wish she will die the cruelest of all. The movie is funny to watch for the people in Holland, because of the Dutch language. For the rest of the world, Doodeind is nothing special.