Dead End Road
Dead End Road
| 26 November 2004 (USA)
Dead End Road Trailers

Detective Burt Williams has been on the trail of the infamous "Poe killer" for nearly three years. The most recent abduction of fashion model Heather Makepiece prompts state authorities to bring in the FBI. Burt's daughter Kris Williams, a homicide agent for the FBI, along with her partner Sean Michaels take over. Burt reluctantly steps down from the case and retires. For the next seven months the "Poe Killer" continues his murderous rampage, until Kris discovers that the killer uses internet chat rooms to seduce his prey. She logs in as Annabel Lee and sure enough, he contacts her. With the help of Larry the tech guy, she sets up a meeting at a nearby bowling alley. But, when things go wrong and Kris is abducted and her partner Sean is slaughtered, it becomes a race against time for Burt and ex-partner Grace Andrews to find Kris before she becomes the next victim of the "Poe Killer".

BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
glitter_puff I bought this movie sight unseen at a sci-fi convention and I got what I deserved for doing something so silly. Simply put this movie is implausible, boring and unwatchable.I was so bored and disgusted with the lack of plot development that I turned it off to watch a repeat of Mythbusters. I understand that this was a very low budget move, or least it looked like a very low budget move, but that does not excuse the horrible acting, terrible plot and even worse camera work. It looks like something a group of college students did in between classes and getting drunk.Maybe if the villain wasn't so laughable and the plot was something that actually could happen in real life with respect to law enforcement it might become so bad it's funny. This movie isn't funny, it's just bad.
benfranklin100 Shot on video garbage with all the quality of a Wal-Mart training video. I'm not buying the whole "Indie films have to use cheap actors to keep costs down" line. If they kept the costs down so low why did Blockbuster charge me five bucks to rent the stupid thing. I knew that I had been riped off within five seconds of hitting 'Play'. This is not an "Indie" film. It is a blatant rip off that approaches the criminal realm. They might as well have put a blank disk in the box and called that a movie. If your idea of horror is getting separated from a five dollar bill and receiving nothing in return, I'm sure blockbuster still has some on the shelf. I'm driving down there today to get my money back. If they paid me five dollars to watch it, it would still be a rip off.
b-loman I don't know why that there is such backlash against this film. Being a horror fan of the slasher variety, I recently picked this title up at Blockbuster. After viewing it, I can offer the following: it delivers on its pretenses. Fans of the genre will not be disappointed: it offers gratuitous nudity; campy dialogue; and creative, excessively violent death scenes. Most of the acting is sub-par (especially the "kids"), but this can be expected from a horror film as the producers commonly employ the inept to keep costs low. It should be noted, however, that there ARE appearances from some actors that are quite competent: those that are acutely observant will notice such character actors as Dee Wallace Stone from E.T. and Anita LaSalva/Robert Leeshock from Earth Final Conflict providing solid work. The lead actresses are nice on the eyes (especially when they're naked) and they serve their purposes efficiently. This film doesn't try to be anything that it isn't. It's obvious that the director intended it to be a fun, escapist film aimed at the horror/troma junkies and he succeeds with aplomb.
slyguypye A low budget may be an excuse for poor acting talent and pathetic looking fake gore. However, it is not an excuse for poor writing. It is a talent to be able to write dialog without making it sound forced and mechanical. The dialog in this movie was on par with most instructional videos shown to fast food staff in training.I also understand that one must make a few exceptions when it comes to acting talent when you only have 20 bucks to spend on it. With that being said, no serious director would have looked at these scenes and said to himself, "that was perfect". I see better character acting on Canadian television.This movie had a paper thin plot, bad acting, poor dialog and holds no intelligent ideas at all. This simply proves to me that some independent films are that way for a reason. If your looking for a quick scare, rent anything else. Even the "Cable Guy" was a scarier film. After watching this film, I think i would have been better off watching a re-run on the X-files.