Dead Draw
Dead Draw
| 30 September 2016 (USA)
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25 million dollars, 8 safety deposit boxes, and months before anyone will know it’s gone. But Harrison’s perfect heist turns deadly when his safe-cracker, Mack, discovers their getaway pilot brutally murdered. Someone knew about the job, someone set them up. Stranded in a frozen hangar, held hostage by someone outside, loyalty turns to suspicion and friends turn to enemies. Now it’s a race against time as the band of thieves try to uncover the rat and escape their troubled pasts…if they can survive the night.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
lavatch In "Dead Draw," four high-rollers carry out the robbing of a bank in which they have used insider information to clean out several safe deposit boxes filled with $25 million in cash. But a little problem arises when the thieves try to make their getaway.The four robbers have cleverly used the occasion of a military parade in a small Midwestern town to dress in fatigues and rob the bank. They have learned from a "deep throat" source that members of a drug cartel are using the bank in a pleasant rural area to stash their loot. Two of the thieves (Mack and Dallas) are brothers, one of whom took the fall and spent time in prison during an earlier heist. Another (Jones) is a military veteran with a checkered past and is prone to extreme violence. The ringleader (Harrison) is love with Sarah, the insider who provided him with details about the bank security system and the safe deposit boxes.One drawback of this film is the over-reliance on flashbacks to provide character details. Mack, who has just completed is prison term has now apparently discovered religion. But do we need to have a flashback confessional scene in a church to understand Mack's state of mind? The exposition about the previous heist was straightforward; do we need to see that past event re-enacted? Mack's younger brother was apparently a good boxer. It might have added some much needed action to the flashbacks to see him in the ring. But that never happened.The film developed some good suspense in piquing the audience's interest in who "sold out" the thieves and prevented their exit from town by plane. The resolution was also nifty in drawing upon a well-meaning secondary character who messed things up for the robbers. The characters were generally unlikable, but one interesting theme that emerged that may be summed up in one line: "You can't run from your past." In this regard, all of those flashbacks demonstrated how true that adage was for a group of losers.
Marco_From_Tropoja The premise of this revolves around a big cash heist committed by a gang of 4 guys with information provided by an information broker. Whilst looking like it goes off smoothly things subsequently don't go to plan. The story set-up seems solid, if nothing new. However, soon the movie revolves around being stuck in one physical location (one large indoor space) which makes it a bit boring. To compound this the movie then begins a flashback narrative on each character (more than one for each character), moving back to the present time and back again. This jars quickly as nearly 40-50% of the movie must in the end be composed of these flashbacks and it takes your focus and interest off the main story. It does redeem itself a bit at the end but I found that this mechanic was a fail for me and makes the movie a lesser product as a result.
ejonconrad This is a movie about a gang of thieves is put together to rip off a drug cartel who keep their money in safe deposit boxes in a nondescript bank in the Midwest, and of course "things go wrong". I hope it's not a spoiler to say it's basically a non-Tarantino version of Reservoir Dogs.It's well acted, and they do keep you guessing, but like most neo-noir movies, you can't think too hard about the characters' actions and motivations, or you'll realize they're doing a lot of things that don't make sense.I wouldn't have paid money to see this at the theater, but it was a decent way to pass an hour and a half on a plane.
jrneptune The story behind the movie. First film from director and writer, Brian Klemesrud, he was actually still working on the details of the script when he was to meet Gil Bellows about another movie being made, Mushroom Man. Unknown to Brian Gil had seen a copy of his draft for Dead Draw and he wanted Brian to make the movie and he would play the role of Harrison. Brian was still thinking it over when Gil contacted him and told him he needed to start shooting it in three months. They ended up shooting the movie in a total of 18 days after getting the money to fund it.The movie is about the heist of 25 million dollars from a bank, where specific safety deposit boxes are selected. Harrison (Gil Bellows) is their leader and it is his 19th heist and he said it would be his last one. Everything is well planned and executed and their getaway appears to be flawless then things go awry.Loyalties will be tested and secrets exposed, as they realize someone set them up and they seek an escape from an apparent trap. Time ticks away as they try to find out who the rat is while they seek an escape.It does have some surprises and might be predictable to some people but I do think it was entertaining and not bad for a first film where the director was rushed into it.