| 14 November 2003 (USA)
Daybreak Trailers

Sweden, shortly before Christmas. Surgeon Rickard is told the job he expected goes to a Dane, because of his substance abuse. It's too late to cancel dinner with his in-laws. The guest couple announces their in-vitro is a success. Then Richard's wife learns he cheated her with Sofie. Meanwhile ugly hag Anita trades drugs to afford a taser to use on her ex Olof and his former physiotherapist. Workaholic builder Anders is disgusted by his grieve-deranged client Knut's plan and decides to spend time on his family, not just money.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
aizkomendi Excellent film well worth seeing it. Three stories of different couples and families going through a crisis. The family environments portrayed depict various stages of incommunication: the story of the bricklayer features a couple of workdays where he neglects the common life with his woman and daughter to enlightening and corrective results, while on the opposite side, the couple that employs him has long lost the struggle of affection and relationship with their daughter to a desperate end.The isolation atmosphere, loneliness, infidelity and lies pervade the whole plot of the film, where speaking out (sometimes violent) the untold and held back feelings seem to unravel the thing and let a beam of hope in.The plot develops at a relentless pace, no moment to ease up or get bored.
jditlev This one fell short of my expectations. I had seen the trailer with that GREAT moody song, and the trailer had a great dynamic and a sort of compelling sadness. After seeing the film, I must say that the song, which is featured several times throughout, is the film's strongest asset, unfortunately.The whole film has a stageplay feel, reminding me of plays by fellow Swede, Lars Norén. The three stories don't gel that well, the set-up takes a really long time and the stories feel very contrived. One of the stories have an OTT satirical feel, without really being funny. Actually all the situations are OTT and stageplay-like unreal. The theme about mid-life crisis and priorities in life didn't appeal that much to me, maybe I'm just too young. For me the conclusions are banal (spend more time with your family, for example)The film is rather bleak throughout, but uplifting, and full of dysfunctional family units. And a lot of screaming and yelling.Still, interesting. But not a must-see.
stensson This is a Swedish film about sexual jealousy, if anybody remembers that thing. Jealousy because of the past and because of the present. Jealousy which is totally destructive and sometimes irrational, but still including possible forgiveness.This is about the bitter ex-wife who still after three years wants to be taken into a psychiatric clinic because of the divorce. It's about the surgeon, who is cheating about his job, his house, his mistress, but everything is revealed in the end. It's about the mason who arrives for a job at the house of a middle-aged couple and learns what real despair is.This is hard to see and definitely not for children, although the violence is not extreme. Ann Petrén and Johan Eklund are almost magnificent and this ought to be sent by Sweden as candidate for the Academy Awards, although it's chances might be much doubted. Anyway this film is to be strongly recommended. The plot is extreme (and clever) but people like this do still exist.
Mattias Most of all, this is a movie about lies, about how people lie to themselves and the people around them. A heart surgeon is constantly lying to his loving wife, an older woman is lying to herself about who is to blame for her failings in life and a married couple are lying to themselves why their daughter has disappeared from their lives.Director Björn Runge has shown his versatility for the bizarre and grotesque before, e.g. the short En dag på stranden (1993) and so yet again. Also, the script has neatly woven together the three stories, we move from one family to the other effortlessly - when one family is having dinner, so has the next one, when one family is shouting and screaming at each other, so does the next one.Despite this, I have a nagging feeling that it could have been even better. The plot line itself, interchanging between unrelated people, is similar to Svenska hjältar (1997). And as far as Pernilla August is concerned, this is one too many roles as a cheated wife this year.