Day One
Day One
| 27 February 2015 (USA)
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On her first day in Afghanistan, an interpreter for the US Army is forced to deliver the child of an enemy bomb-maker.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Horst in Translation ( "Day One" is an American 25-minute short film from 2015. It was directed and co-written by Henry Hughes and he scored his first Oscar nomination for that. Actually, it is only his second work and second short film as a director, so quite a success I guess. The film is partially in the English language and also in Dari, so you may want a good set of subtitles. This is the tale of an interpreter who faces the most unusual first day at work in her new profession. The plot already summarizes it. She and her unit of soldiers meet a group of enemies, possibly terrorists. They may have bombs with them. A women of the enemy group is pregnant, on the verge of giving birth. The interpreter has to help her with giving birth. The child is presumed dead. Apparently there is no heartbeat. Then the child is suddenly alive, but another character is suddenly dead. And let us keep in mind: This is only the very first day of her work. So realism is a crucial component or I should maybe say the lack of realism unfortunately and this is what eventually destroys the movie. At some point it felt just like one dramatic scene chasing the next, so it all was very much for the sake of it and the authenticity was kinda gone. Lets be honest here: The action would even be over-the-top for a 90-minute film, let alone for a film under 30 minutes. Overall, I don't think this is a bad film. it has its moments and strengths, like the atmosphere or the contemporary relevance and others, so I am still a bit curious about Hughes' future works. But this one here has weaknesses that should have kept it from getting recognition at any awards body, especially the Oscars. I don't recommend the watch.
rinehart-18048 This is perhaps the best short film that I have ever seen. Great script, incredible acting, and simply (a must see gem)! I have watched thousands of hours of supposedly "great" films, and have never seen anything so well crafted, emotionally involving, and fundamentally human as this. It is simply "the best of the best"!
Michael_Elliott Day One (2015) *** 1/2 (out of 4) Of all the live action Oscar nominated shorts this one here from Henry Hughes is certainly the most unpleasant. It deals with a woman named Feda (Layla Alizada) who is on her first tour in Afghanistan working as an interpreter. She ends up at the home of a bomb maker where she's just expecting to translate but soon the man's pregnant wife goes into labor.DAY ONE is a fairly grim and graphic tale that could have very well gone down the road of exploitation and been one of the more disgusting entries in that genre. However, it doesn't go down that path and instead turns into a pretty frank and brutal character study as we get to see various obstacles this woman goes through on her first day on the job. What really helps the movie are the terrific performance by the entire cast. It's certainly not a very easy film to watch but it really pays off in the end.
Dave McClain "Day One" (USA, 20 min.) – In Afghanistan, a young female interpreter experiences an especially dramatic first day on the job working with U.S. soldiers. She starts off on the wrong foot by using the shower at the wrong time, then struggles to understand the expectations and procedures of her new environment. On her first mission with the squad to which she is assigned, she delays their march when she has to stop to urinate, she's almost killed by an IED, she has to translate during a heated exchange between her squad's leader and an Afghan man who is a suspected insurgent and then she is forced to help the man's pregnant wife when she suddenly goes into labor and the first part of the baby to emerge is its arm. Written and directed by a former U.S. Army paratrooper as a tribute to one of his unit's former interpreters, this is a personal and powerful look at the challenges of modern warfare. "A"