Darth Maul: Apprentice
Darth Maul: Apprentice
| 05 March 2016 (USA)
Darth Maul: Apprentice Trailers

With his training almost complete, Darth Maul must face six Jedi in order to reach his true potential, and become a Dark Lord of the Sith.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Octavian1034 The light saber battle in this was better than any Star Wars movie, even without the big movie studio special effects. Disney should hire these guys to do their choreography. If the creators of this short film had the budget and writers of a Disney or previous Lucas Film, they could make the best Star Wars full length film in history. Other than the choreography the acting was much better than I expected from a fan movie. If they put this on a Blu Ray or 4k I would definitely buy it. Great job folks!
JasonT413 The 15+ minutes that are contained in this fantastic short film are action packed to the core and contain some fabulous lightsaber action. The Darth Maul character is given a little more depth here and we get to learn a little more about him in between the non-stop saberplay. This is I must say, hands down the best fan made films in the sci-fi universe that I have seen besides the excellent STAR TREK CONTINUES episodes. Directed, written and produced by Shawn Bu, Shawn, whomever you are, I really look forward to whatever you are putting out next. Hopefully another Star Wars related feature. Thank you for this film! Highly Recommended!!!
sdmeshotto The amount of work that went into this fan film is amazing. Typically fan films have crappy picture, audio, and dialogue. Everything about this was professional. Even the CGI was good. The world would be a merrier place if every fan film was as good as this.I give this a 10, simply because, since it is a short film and is full of well coordinated cinematography and lightsaber dueling, there isn't anything to critique. It's perfect.We all wanted more screen time out of Darth Maul, and more action. It keeps within his character's savageness. This short film perfects this. Darth Maul taking on like 6 Jedi. It's a dream come true. Like, it's impossible not to like it. Go watch it on Youtube right now. Go, go! *makes shooing gesture with hand*
KalKenobi83 I have been a Star Wars fan Since 1997 I think we have the best fans, this is Fantastic some much Love an Effort Put in this from The Direction to Final Also really loved how they gave Darth Maul A Pre- Phantom Menace Story kind of like a Tie-In Comic also I really enjoyed the Story and Everything also i can make a film like this on this grand of scale, to those at A7 Productions I'm hoping for more featuring More Villains and Heroes also I think George Lucas,Kathleen Kennedy,Dave Filoni and Pablo Hildalgo would be proud of it as a fan i can say it would awesome for 18 Minutes of Star Wars A Fan-Film Worthy Of The Title Star Wars 10/10