| 07 September 2004 (USA)
Darkhunters Trailers

Walking the Earth as an undead spirit has Charlie Jackson in a quandary. Unable to interact with his family, Charlie feels he's been forsaken by God. Now, his ultimate goal is to get to heaven as soon as possible - but that's easier said than done. The battle between good and evil for Charlie's soul has begun, and salvation might only come via Carol Miller, a darkhunter who brings lost souls back to death.

PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
torturechamberlain This movie really is that bad, and I'm normally a sucker for bad movies, but this was too much. Seeing this is like OD'ing on pure SUCK. Now, you may think you've seen the bottom of the barrel. You may have waded through every title from Full Moon and Troma, all the movies of Edward D. Wood Jr, Uwe Boll, Albert Pyun and direct to DVD-flicks from faded men-of-action. You may even have seen Death Tunnel, Ghost Lake and a vast array of the movies that MST3K covered, but in their original form. But you do not know truly awful film-making until you have seen Darkhunters. And if you haven't, you shouldn't. Don't bother. Not only is this movie amazingly poorly written, directed, shot, edited, acted and splattered in crude, cheap aftereffects. First of all, it's a pretentious mess. But not good, Greenaway or Lynch-style pretentious or hilariously messy in an Ittenbach or early Waters sort of fashion. It's the kind of pretentiousness that comes when someone incredibly stupid thinks they've come up with something incredibly smart. Sort of like M. Night Shaymalan (sp?), only that man seems like a freakin' messiah when compared to this trainwreck (and this coming from a rampant Shaymalan hater). It's also boring. Not heavy going-type boring, which is okay, if the movie awards your patience. Darkhunters does no such thing. It's boring in a "Oh my fu(king God, if I see another shot of a cat set to an obnoxious audio cue I am going to fu(king kill myself!"-kind of way.Btw. anyone who claims to like this film is a boldfaced liar and anyone who claims this film is complex or deep knows what their mother is like in bed.
Snowfirewolf Hm. Where do I start? I usually ignore whatever rating IMDb has when looking up a movie because I think I might like it anyway or whatever and I should at least give it a chance, but this time I wish I'd paid attention.I know some people liked it, and I'm not trying to say that they shouldn't. It was semi-amusing at some parts. But if you're like me and you don't like watching cats prancing around in the undergrowth for 20 minutes, random fast motion cloud scenes, dogs barking in cages for another 20 minutes set to 'thrilling' music, and close-ups of faces while people are speaking, then you might want to avoid this movie. The actors were either positively wooden or way over the top, and the film quality was awful, fuzzy and grainy and bland and not in an artistic way at all. And I know that we were supposed to think that Carol was not just a crazy maniac with a gun shooting innocent people with this weird religious psychosis going on, but... well, she doesn't really convince me otherwise. In fact, I ended up really disliking her crazy character. And what was up with the souls in space? I understand this is a fantasy movie, but come on.I will say, the angel at the end was freaking creepy. It was the creepiest thing in the whole movie, WAY more creepy than the Darth Maul lava-face demon. I give them props for that scene, it was good. But not good enough to actually see the movie. And the opening credits were great, but don't be fooled! I would've rather they used whatever money went into those credits to make the movie better.Bah. I wish I hadn't bought this for even the $2 that I paid for it, I could have bought a candy bar instead. :/
Destroyer Wod OK the box look interesting, the opening have great music and its kinda original, to that its all OK. But when the movie start...well its not my first videoville movie, i watched Ghost Lake, and its very similar of this movie except its ever worse here. The story at first sounded interesting but the whole movie look like a movie shot by a bunch of university student, with specials effect that me laugh, the blood look like a mix of red and white paint, the fire effect on the demon face look like it was done with a program i could buy at my local computer shop. All the movie is shot in day(very great for a movie supposed to be horror) and there like no gore(1 scene only and it look so home-made and not credible) and near no blood(it can be considered a great thing considering the look of the blood show) and 1 demon for the whole movie. The story is going nowhere , it give you the impression that it never start, there so much useless scene done only to give the movie the average duration time(when the demon search the guy in the dogs thing for about 4 minutes...) Way too much slow-mo things. Well lets just say this movie is a Z-series one and a very poor one. All cool idea lost themselves and you get a cheesy movie. It bored my all long and I'm not the guy who get bored very easily with horror movie, man i even like house of the dead and alone in the dark from Uwe Boll and you probably know the name for being one of the worst director but here it look too much like some guys wanting to make a movie for fun. Plus for us french speaker(tough i understand English i prefer to watch movie in my native language) there the usual videoville bad translation. In normal movie you can barely see its not the actor speaking(you have to check on lips etc) here you just have to listen to it and you know it. Very cheesy
moviemanic07 Apparently the boundary between life and death isn't as cut and dried as I thought. Sometimes death makes a mistake and the soul of the ghost is fair game for demonic bounty hunters. Fortunately, Carol Miller, whose near-death experience as a child has given her insight into the next life, is there to help people caught between life and death. I wasn't expecting much when I took this film down from the video shelf, but I was pleasantly surprised. While flawed in many ways, I found the premise intriguing and execution professional enough to keep me interested throughout. It also didn't hurt to have Dominique Pinon in the film. He's always watchable as an actor, even if this script certainly wasn't up to the level of 'Delicatessen' or 'Amelie.' The script was a little convoluted, and the audience would have been better served if the back story had been introduced more coherently. Still, to me, the main problem was the special effects. Most of them were somewhat cheesy – although I did like the title animation.I think some of the other reviewers here on the IMDb are a little too hard on this film. I have been going on a mind-numbing expedition through the straight-to-DVD fare at my local Blockbuster and this film is better than most!