| 17 October 2015 (USA)
Dark Trailers

A disturbed young woman must confront her worst fears when she finds herself trapped alone in a New York City loft during the 2003 blackout.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Micitype Pretty Good
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Alison P This film rather took me by surprise. I went into this with no preconceived notions other than it was about the North American blackout of 2003 and had Alexandra Breckenridge (The Walking Dead) in it. This film hit me on a deeper level than expected and stayed with me for quite a few days after seeing it. It's portrayal of a young woman with mental issues, suffering from a very deep depression played to perfection by Whitney Able (Monsters) related to me. Knowing someone personally who dealt with depression, I thought the movie captured that state of mind completely. The subtle depiction of the lead, Kate's, slowly devolving emotional state through to it's brutal ending was uneasy to watch. I can see why some people may find the movie slow but I was gripped throughout because of the lead character. The acting is superb as well as the "jump cut" editing style and the cinematography, naturalistic and beautiful. The sound design, particularly in the second half, was really well done, especially considering most indie films usually fail on sound. It makes NY seem like a very intimidating place, at least in the main character's mind. Even though the film is set in NYC, it feels very much like a European film. Having grown up in the UK and loving a lot of art house films, most European cinema has never been plot-focused. European directors usually focus on the accurate representation of internal states, rather than external drives. This film's goal can be described in the same way and pulls it off quite successfully. It's definitely a movie that will not please everyone. It's not "entertaining" in the traditional movie sense but rather a cathartic, intimate experience for 93 minutes. If you like arty cinema with dark subject matter, you'll absolutely appreciate this indie gem.
songod-95003 I give this film a 3 only because of Whitney Able's performance. Had this been a better written better executed film she may have won a Golden Globe or perhaps even gotten an Academy nod. Instead because of poor marketing coupled with boring as heck story telling this goes ignored; except by people like me who get taken in by the poster that makes it seem like a horror movie set during the 2003 NYC blackout.Do not be fooled by the IMDb categorization of this as a horror movie nor as a thriller. It is neither. It is a tale of a woman with some undisclosed and never talked about mental condition who, blackout or not, losing her grip on sanity as a single night passes.That is right. The blackout has nada to do with her fall from sanity. She is not afraid of the dark (she actually goes out to a bar during the event). She is not seeing dead people in the dark. The blackout featured in the packaging and promo has nothing to do with her state of mind.The film starts and stops. It seems to be going somewhere and then, no, we're back hanging out in the candle lit apartment. We're taken on a trip out a window and part way down a fire escape only to be, yes you guessed it, right back in the apartment again.The cherry on top is yet another NON ENDING. We are not quite exactly certain what happened as it is undefined. We are left to ASSUME Kate took a hammer and boom boxed (she smashes a boom box with the hammer) another character but... did she? Is she imagining it? Are we seeing what she is seeing or what she is imagining?? Before the camera can reveal the truth... the credits roll.Whatever happened to writers actually coming up with clever or decisive endings?? If you're looking for a psych tale of a young woman losing her mind over the course of an evening then this film is for you! If you want a thriller or horror film... stay away!
dbidentity-31386 It started slow but grew in intensity as the darkness and mental breakdown of the female took over. The star and supporting cast were excellent. I read the three comments thus far given and only Lazarillo's hit the mark. The other two probable never watched the movie "Repulson" by Polanski and didn't understand the type of film intended. It was a take back to 1970's thrillers. During the Blackout Kate (Whitney Able) is trapped in her apartment, the darkness engulfs her and plays on her mind. She hears someone lurking in her apartment and her mine reverts back in time while she fades into madness and despair. Everything from direction, lighting, editing to the excellent music score kept me on edge
beachin77-1 I never write reviews for movies, but this was just a waste of my time and all involved in the movie. While I wasn't expecting much with the score it has on IMDb, I usually don't let that stop me from watching a film that intrigues me. Well, in this case I should have.The lead role is so uninteresting. She's a yoga instructor, but she sure doesn't look like one (not slim and slender plus she smokes - things you don't usually see in a yoga teacher), she acts like she's the prettiest thing in town (don't get me wrong, she is pretty, but her ego is waaay too big and her attitude towards men is as if her poo don't stink), she acts weird in the beginning when she's having sex with her girlfriend (which i might have missed the explanation, but don't understand why), and the last part of the movie was pure torture (watching her flail around in the darkness, using the camera to light her way...)The worst part of all, there was no point. Where was the pinnacle? I kept watching and hoping, just to be let down. People don't waste your time on this flick.