Dark August
Dark August
PG | 10 September 1976 (USA)
Dark August Trailers

A young girl is accidentally run down by a car driven by a careless city slicker. This careless injustice provokes the girl's grandfather into summoning his mystical powers and placing a death curse on the young man. Desperate to stave off the dire consequences of the hex, Barry seeks the counsel of a local psychic medium

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
artpf A man accidentally runs down a young girl and has a curse placed on him by the girl's father, an occultist. He goes to a spiritualist for help in fighting the curse.A boring movie by any stretch.Lot's of talking. Little action. Uh, guys, isn't this a horror film?The blond is hot though. Due can't act. and walks around without a shirt. Don't. Yer doughy.The basic problem with this movie is that it goes on and on with nothing really happening. Nothing scary. Nothing interesting.
HumanoidOfFlesh I remember reading wonderful review of "Dark August" written by Stephen Thrower in "Nightmare USA" and I wanted to see the film so badly.It finally happened.A young girl is accidentally killed by a car driven by a careless city artist.The girl's grandfather curses the young man.His life is turned into nightmare as he sees a mysterious figure in black."Dark August" is well-made and captivating black magic terror tale set in a small American town.It has its share of gruesome surprises and is surprisingly well-acted.The climax is memorable and horrifying.It's a crying shame that "Dark August" is so criminally obscure.But I live and breathe such obscure horror.8 out of 10.
Lee Eisenberg Obscure horror flick about a Mikhail Saakashvili lookalike stalked by the grandfather of girl whom he accidentally killed. There's certainly nothing significant about "Dark August", unless we interpret it as a '70s time capsule.* What I mean by a similarity to Robert Altman's movies is that one scene has two groups of people simultaneously carrying on conversations. Of course, I might be the only person who interpreted that. Otherwise, I would never think to equate this movie with Altman's films.Anyway, this flick is just a way to pass time. Starring J.J. Barry, Carole Shelyne and Kim Hunter.*In the past month, four 1970s icons have left this life: David Carradine, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.
Maciste_Brother Dark Spoilers!!!In my search for that overlooked gem of a movie that no one knows about, I came across this movie which I had never heard of or seen in my entire moviegoing existence. DARK AUGUST is so obscure that it's not listed in Leonard Maltin's video guide or in either of Michael Weldon's two Psychotronic books. Seeing that few people have seen it and the film was made in the "anything goes" mid-70s, I had hopes that DARK AUGUST would be a good contender for my quest for that unique unknown horror flick. Well, DARK AUGUST is obscure for good reasons, because it's not very satisfying. There's no point in trashing DARK AUGUST because its heart IS in the right place and the whole production is well made. But the biggest problem with the movie is the ending. There's NO ending. It just ends abruptly after the cursed man shoots his dog, who was possessed by the evil demon. Huh?!?! I think that's what happened anyway. The whole script is very murky and it's not helped with a lot of kooky improbabilities, like the old man walking in the house where the seance is taking place and he shoots the medium. Don't houses in Vermont have locks on their doors? Or you'd think the group would protect themselves a bit better after the cursed man's girlfriend stole that thing from the old man's house and the old man would be obviously angry. Details like this hamper DARK AUGUST and in the end, nothing works at any level.The locations are beautiful and the music is good and moody. Some of the actors are okay but the script or lack of storytelling abilities from the writer and the director obscure all intentions of the production to the point that the end result seems pretty much pointless. It's a curio though and I recommend it only to those who like watching very obscure films.