Dangerously They Live
Dangerously They Live
NR | 24 December 1941 (USA)
Dangerously They Live Trailers

A doctor tries to rescue a young innocent from Nazi agents.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
dogwater-1 This is a "spies among us" movie of World War ii with a fairly outrageous plot concerning a woman played by Nancey Coleman who may or may not be an amnesia victim who comes under the care of a young intern, John Garfield. She's been in a rather grisly taxi wreck. She has no cuts, bruises apparent, but can't remember who she is. Moroni Olsen shows up and claims to be her Father. Whenever Moroni Olsen appears in a film, you can be sure something is up. Raymond Massey is called in as a suspiciously too affable specialist. There are Nazis at work here. We know because when we are in their clubhouse behind a delicatessen, there are swastikas on the wall. Usually a dead give-away. There is a creepy mansion with a creepy staff and the butler wears a pistol under his frock coat. Robert Florey, a French director, who was never quite given his due in the studio days adds some European touches here and there, including a funny shot of a dead body rising on a silent butler. Mr. Florey does menace well.
Neil Doyle You can skip this one unless you're determined to see every Warner Bros. movie about spies and Nazis that the studio ever made. That's about the only reason for sitting through this turkey, despite a cast that includes such stalwarts as JOHN GARFIELD, RAYMOND MASSEY and NANCY COLEMAN, all of whom must have wished they were not floundering in a weak script.Garfield looks and acts like a hood, but he's supposed to be a respectable doctor taking care of a patient who claims to have amnesia. (The amnesia theme got quite a workout throughout the '40s as a convenient plot device). But here it turns out that the woman patient (Coleman) is only pretending to have amnesia because some Nazi spies are hot on her trail.When Garfield allows her to be taken to a private sanitarium where she will be taken care of by the seemingly helpful Raymond Massey, he soon discovers that the house she is sheltered in is really a place for her to be kept prisoner until she divulges some wartime secrets.There's a little suspense in all of this, but none of the performers seem to be in top form and Garfield seems ill at ease in his doctor role.Summing up: Not quality stuff. Has all the earmarks of a quickly produced potboiler.
blanche-2 John Garfield is an intern who cares for a young accident victim in "Dangerously They Live," also starring Nancy Coleman, Raymond Massey, and Moroni Olson. This looks like a B movie and is certainly short enough to have been a second feature. This is what Warners put John Garfield in after he made a big splash in "Four Daughters?" Jack Warner must have been punishing him for something.The accident victim in this film, Jane Graystone, played by Coleman, is thought to have amnesia. She is actually a spy for the U.S., and the Nazis are after information she has about a convoy in New Zealand. Moroni Olson poses as her father, a Mr. Goodwin, but she tells Dr. Lewis (Garfield) the true story and asks for his help. Garfield is a little waylaid, however, when one of his teachers, Dr. Ingersoll (Raymond Massey) appears as a doctor on the case. He doesn't realize Ingersoll is part of the Nazi team. Ingersoll allows Dr. Lewis to come "home" with Jane - but home seems more like a prison.Massey turns in an excellent performance and is quite scary as Ingersoll. Coleman, who went on to have a career in television, is pretty, reminiscent of Barbara Rush or Piper Laurie in their youths. However, she's not as good an actress as either of those women. Garfield is appealing but this is not his kind of role. It would be a few more years before he would be given parts more suited to his abilities. Fortunately, he'd have about five years of excellent roles before the blacklist and his early death.Though the movie was made right before Pearl Harbor, the handwriting was on the wall for the U.S. The theme of Nazis in our midst was in several films of that time, including "All Through the Night."
lorenellroy Nancy Coleman plays an British agent based in Washington D.C during the Second World War who has some vital information about Allied convoys which German agents are keen to get their hot and sticky little hands on it and none too scrupulous about how they do it .They capture her but she escapes from their clutches only to be involved in an auto accident which leaves her concussed and with memory loss, Enter John Garfield as the intern in charge of her case .He facilitates her recovery but -suspecting many of the people who claim to know her are in fact Nazi agents -she continues to feign amnesia .She is taken into a private sanatorium by an eminent psychologist ( Raymond Massey ) who is a Nazi agent and which turns out to be a prison in all but name .All the servants and other help are "de facto" wardens and the last part of the movie deals with the attempt of Coleman and Garfield to escape and prevent the bad guys extracting the vital information from them Garfield was unenthusiastic about doing this movie -and agreed to do so only because he could not afford another suspension by the studio .It shows in a lacklustre performance and Raymond Massey has no problem stealing the acting honours in what is a proficient but minor Warner Brothers melodrama -watchable but not exceptional