Dance of Death
Dance of Death
| 01 January 1979 (USA)
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An orphan boy seeks revenge upon a villainous kung-fu sect that killed his friends. He chances upon two old kung fu masters who are fighting to determine who's the better fighter; one is a drunk, the other puffs constantly on a pipe. Fei Fei convinces them to teach him kung fu, and then he'll fight using both of their techniques and will discover which is superior. So Fei Fei ends up fighting his way up the ranks of the evil sect with the two old men trailing after him, evaluating the battles and counting how many of their individual moves Fei Fei uses. The final battle with the white-haired master of the sect, using new kung fu moves inspired by dancers in a brothel, is amazingly gymnastic. --Bret Fetzer

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
ebiros2 The movie is bit like the "Drunken Master", and maybe it's no coincidence that Jackie Chan is the martial arts director in this movie (opening credit states "Sing Lung" which is Jackie's Chinese name).The movie wouldn't have worked if someone with Angela Mao's kung fu skill wasn't playing the part. Her moves are crisp, and always ends in a beautiful pose after she's finished with the move. The movie has Taiwanese look and feel to it, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was made in Taiwan. They did one thing right in this movie, and that is to give starring role to Angela Mao. Usually she's co-stared with some other less talented actors which spoils the movie.Honestly, this is one of the best choreographed Angela Mao movie, and is recommended for viewing by all Angela Mao fans.
unbrokenmetal Fei Fei (Angela Mao) wants to kill a bad guy, but her Kungfu isn't good enough. She learns from 2 masters - who have a competition going on whose style is best - but still isn't good enough. A visit at a brothel inspires the 2 masters to create a new style called dancing girl, and after Fei Fei adds a few ideas of her own, she can challenge the bad guy again.This is a really funny movie. Jackie Chan mentions in his autobiography he worked as a stunt coordinator on this movie, and it shows. Admittedly the variety of styles is taken beyond the border of silliness, but as a comedy, "Dance of Death" is fast, elegant and tireless. A great leading role for Angela Mao, although one wonders why she had to dress like a man for the part.
winner55 Martial arts choreography for this film is credited to "Chen Lung" - this is almost certainly Jackie Chan using a pseudonym. The release date of the film is 1980, but it was probably made in '78, when Chan worked with director Chen Chi Hwa on a couple films, including "Half a Loaf of Kung Fu" (early Chan starring vehicle) and "36 Crazy Fists" (which Chan choreographed without performing in. "Dance of Death" apparently uses the same crew and many of the same players, and looks and moves very much like the two Chan films. Those with a sense of different 'Fu styles should pay special attention to Mao's use of the middle-finger-knuckle fist (sometimes called phoenix fist or - wrongly - dragon fist in other films) - Chan actually introduced this into the 'Fu film idiom in a film credited to Low Wei (but probably directed by Chan himself), "Dragon Fist". Also pay attention to Mao's use of Snake-fist moves; her interpretation of this style is pure Chan - compare with his use of this style in "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow".This said, the film would be little worth noting, due to a very weak script - the comedy is second rate, and the film feels incomplete - except for one essential element - Angela Mao.Introduced to the 'Fu film world by Bruce Lee in "Enter the Dragon", Angel Mao's career gradually withered away due to an apparent lack of acting skills. She seemed capable of only two emotions, impatience and outrage. Thanks to this film, we can now see that her real curse was the type of role into which she was frequently cast. In "Dance of Death" Mao is allowed an opportunity to play comedy with a much wider range of emotional response, and frequent moments of humor. This may be the first performance I've seen from her in which she actually smiles. And she is quite charming when she does. In fact she handles comedy very well, and overall comes across as a performer one would like to see again and again. I should also mention that, although she wears male clothing throughout the film, she exudes a captivating femininity and sexuality - which actually becomes part of the plot and action of the film at the end. This film thus becomes a testament to the abilities of a performer who was otherwise underestimated throughout much of her career.
geek3866 Very funny Angela Mao vehicle. She plays a character named Fei Fei who is seeking vengeance for the deaths of some friends she just met, as well as trying to help two older kung-fu masters decide who is the better fighter. Much comedy is provided by these two men. One is a drunk with a prominent red nose and the other is smoking something that causes hilariously goofy music to play whenever he takes a hit off his pipe. Angela is very funny, mixing in a good deal of slapstick with straight fighting, in the various combat scenes. Also funny are nods to both Clint Eastwood's man with no name and Henry Mancini's Pink Panther theme. Recommended to those looking for a more light hearted martial arts flick.