D.T. in Dawg Territory
D.T. in Dawg Territory
| 01 January 1988 (USA)
D.T. in Dawg Territory Trailers

Cleveland Browns player Mike Golic meets D.T. (D'ruhaul Temahawk), an alien Fetchball player who has been kidnapped so he will miss his teams championship game. Together, the Browns race against the clock to make sure D.T. returns home in time.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
indiansguy Just by looking at the title you can probably guess what kind of film this is going to be. With that being said, I don't think it is fair to judge it as I would a normal film. This was obviously very low budget and the people involved did the best with what they had.While the plot is rather thin I look at this as an advantage considering the short run time. There are three well defined acts, and all the arcs introduced are resolved by the end of what feels like a very quick 22 min. What I will say is that you will not enjoy this movie if you aren't a Browns fan. Even if you enjoy a "so bad it's good" movie every now and again you will find yourself lost on several of the jokes in the movie. And really, the humor is one of the best things in the film. All throughout there are constant nods to nicknames that Browns players have, or well known games that took place. Perhaps one of the better jokes in the film came very early on. It is when Bob Golic first meets D.T. and D.T. is explaining how he is considered to be the M.V.D (Most Valuable Dog). In response Golic says "you and I have something in common...I know Hanford Dixon."One liners like that got a chuckle out of me, and the surprisingly dedicated acting performance out of everyone involved was welcoming. While the actors on screen are not the best in the world, you can tell that they are at least trying. Considering the chemistry they have as team mates it should come as no surprise that there is a consistent flow of energy between all on screen. The special effects are goofy at times, and the fight sequences while short are executed well and while the last act of the film is a collection of short action sequences there is enough variety to where it does not become boring. I went into this with low expectations, and after the first viewing my expectations were met. However, after going back and re-watching it and thinking about the effort put in I now have an appreciation for this film. It is something that should not have been watchable, but through hard work and dedication the cast and crew churned out a solid base hit of a movie. I liked it, and if you are a fan of the Browns I feel you will like it too.
dtcampbell-07986 "D.T. in 'Dawg Territory'" is exactly the film you can expect after hearing the title or seeing the cover art. The film is a parody of "E.T. the Extraterrestrial" except this time Bob Golic, or Go-Bob as he is called in the movie, is the one who must help D.T. find his way back to his home planet. Most of the jokes in the movie were clearly written as fan service for Browns fans. So unless you are a Browns fan you might not understand them. An early one comes from a conversation that Golic and D.T. have where D.T. explains his importance:"I'm the M.V.D." - D.T."M.V.D?" - Golic"Most Valuable Dog." - D.T."Well, we've got something in common then." - Golic"What?" - D.T."I know Hanford Dixon." - Golic Along the way Golic recruits his fellow teammates who are all very willing to help. The main conflict of the movie comes when an alien invasion takes place, it is never properly explained why the aliens are attacking, but it does allow for some decent fights scenes. The picture is roughly 22 min. long, leaving not a whole lot of room for exposition or character development. However, one of the strongest points of the movie is how well focused it is. Despite how short the run time is, and how much action the screen is trying to throw at you, the characters never get sidetracked and remain on point. If I were grading this movie just based on acting, writing, effects and music then it would easily earn a 1. Although the acting is stiff and the effects are poor, you can tell that the people involved cared about the production and tried their best. So the group gets an "A" for effort, but a fail for execution. This is a movie where you can pop it in and laugh about it later. I would recommend it to all Browns fans easily, and even people who enjoyed "E.T."Although this is not as good as "Masters of the Gridiron" it is still a film worth watching.