Cyborg Soldier
Cyborg Soldier
R | 10 July 2008 (USA)
Cyborg Soldier Trailers

A cyborg escapes the facility where he was created. With the help of a local sheriff, he tries to run from the dangerous scientists that created him.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
jimmerw Just by the title I was expecting something dismal. Then researching and finding out it's a Canadian movie (I am Canadian), I began to quiver with fear having seen so many "$400 budget" Canadian movies and so many unbelievable or simply overacting talent in Canadian movies.I rather enjoyed this movie. For lesser known actors, the calibre of acting wasn't bad at all. The storyline was somewhat interesting and there were some mildly humorous parts (diner scene).Don't rush out to get this thinking it is the must see movie of the decade, but do watch it. Don't expect greatness and you will probably be pleasantly surprised, as I was.
thinker1691 The movies are a medium by which audiences can view their earliest fears or create new ones which live in our nightmares for the rest of our lives. This film is called " Cyborg Soldier " and is yet another effort to remind us the military is still searching for the ultimate soldier. The formula for said soldier is a repetitive theory of both the military and Mad Sientists who believe Mary Shelly was right. During the Middle Ages, a mad scientist created a creature called the 'Golem.' Benign in it's intent, it was created for good but soon ran amok and destroyed both village and creator. Dr. Simon Hart (Bruce Greenwood) is played by an exceptional actor who plays good guys and bad with equal ease. In this story he is a modern Dr. Frankenstien who with the help of Dr. Tyler Voller (Aaron Abrams) learns that his Cyborg Soldier (Rich Franklin) escapes his confinement. Fearful of what he might do, Hart assembles a crack military team to hunt down Isaac, return him to the lab or destroy him. Before the military team arrives Isaac befriends a police woman who tries to help the soldier recover his memory. The movie itself is interesting if you want to know what the Terminator's beginning were. With lots of dramatic action, physical violence and mysterious mayhem, this film garners enough attention to follow the cyborg back into it's laboratory. Bruce Greenwood makes this film plausible and interesting. ****
spamara_369 I am not sure... Is this movie some bad joke or what... Cyborg Soldier who in fact isn't cyborg soldier, only man that pretend that is a cyborg soldier and tries to do some face impressions like Arnold in Terminator? Or this is just some lame "Terminator like" movie? From the beginning you can sense that there will be no mystery, just some pump ride action and shooting. This B grade movie has nothing new to offer, low scenario, my stomach turns upside down when I see its used in this movie, as well as in million others to. Acting... my goodness... is that a good word for describing the actors? They sucked at all levels...Why is this movie made? If you ask me, I would say "I don't know." Its like million others B ratted movies, nothing innovative, after hour and a half watching you would regret for spending that time useless... But if you wish action without thinking, when you know the ending after 20 minutes, with not so good acting and every move predictable, then this is movie for you!
Konrad I am not a huge fan of neither cheap nor expensive action movies, I am however a big fan of UFC.With the previous movies starring MMA stars like Randy Couture I was severely disappointed by the overall level of professionalism and performance with Scorpion King 2 being probably the worst movie I have seen this year. So you can probably imagine by now that when I've heard about "Cyborg Soldier" I wasn't particularly excited.I'm not going to review the plot as you can get the idea from the synopsis, it is quite simple BUT the way the movie is done, even though it is low budget actually makes up for it. There's plenty of action, well made fight scenes, even some funny parts (depending on your sense of humour though) and Rich Franklin absolutely rocks. His acting resembles A. Schwarzeneggers in the Terminator, though it's not that extremely "mechanic" and emotionless, after all Isaac is still a human being.Movie is a must see for any UFC fan and everyone who likes good action movies. It's not Bourne(far from it) but trust me, you won't be disappointed.