Curse Of The Zodiac
Curse Of The Zodiac
NC-17 | 15 May 2007 (USA)
Curse Of The Zodiac Trailers

The story of the most famous serial killer in the United States who frightened Americans in the seventies. He was never caught by the police and remained an unsolved case. The only trace he leaves is a zodiac sign at the crime scene. A possible motive is sexual, driven by hatred against women and homophobia. A faceless killer who could be the neighbor who lives next door, waiting to kill the next victim.

2freensel I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
indigo-silhouette Let's be frank: the Zodiac was crazy alright, but crazy like a fox. He hunted people, and did so effectively, eluding law enforcement to this day. A lot of people have their theories regarding who he was and why he may have committed these homicides, but to date not a one has been able to get a real handle on exactly WHO he was and WHY he did what he did and, most importantly, why he stopped killing (if indeed he had). He is Sixties' Jack the Ripper.This film puts words in his mouth that are totally out of context for how he may have been. According to all accounts, the man was precise, and very cryptic in his messages. He wore dark clothing, fully covered from head to toe; Zodiac was a killer elite...psychotic, most likely. The period dress is all wrong...the acting bites. The only part worth watching: the opening shots..the latticework, if you will. That part was genius.
Syl I didn't like this film from the first few minutes. The Zodiac killer's voice just repeats vulgarity throughout the film. The story about Zodiac style killings in San Francisco haunting a young woman in the city. She has dreams about his killings on the night it happens. The director must be out of film film school because this film looks amateurish from the start. The fast flashes of the city, bloody scenes, don't really have an impact on me. The cast is barely recognizable and unfamiliar. I don't blame the cast but the poor writing and vision into making this film worth watching in the first place. The victims aren't sympathetic to begin with. The psychic dreamer and the San Francisco writer team up but to no avail to solve the identity of Zodiac. If this was supposed to help those of us interested in the Zodiac killer, this film is quite a disappointment. There is nothing to really salvage the film at all. The main characters are the killer and the dreamer who we don't know their names. The final scenes where we read about Natasha Baynes and the Zodiac killer is useful but too late. They would have been more useful in the beginning. I would have revised the script and casted more experienced actors and actresses or direct them better.
wayne_eames I had to give this movie a 1 because there were no options lower. This is the worst movie I've seen since Dr. T and the Women. The photography was terrible. The script sounded like it was written by a sex offender with tourette syndrome. I've seen porn with better plots, scripts and acting. I remember the hype over Zodiac (2005) and got confused when I saw this on the clearance bin. This is one of the 4 for $30 movies I got. You couldn't pay me to try to watch this movie again. I made it 15 minutes into this piece of crap. I think the people responsible for making this waste of film should be banned from Hollywood. I've seen one other Lions Gate movies and enjoyed them, but after seeing this I will be cautious from here on out when getting another one of their films.
Chris Cotter I totally agree! This movie was garbage! One horrible detail is the fact that a lot of the scenes are shown at a 90 degree angle. The ground or floor is over on the right side of the screen. It is like a stupid camera man turned the camcorder to a verticle angle while recording, then when they were editing the film and saw that the image was on it's side, they just said "So what? It will be fine that way." It definitely does look like some 9th graders made it for a high school project - and did a horrible job. The acting is so fake and stupid. The plot is also very very very boring. This is seriously the worst movie I have ever seen! They also say the F word a lot more than any other movie. The killer says " fat F***" or similar things hundreds of times. One last point, the gore... when the Zodiac kills a person, they always show a disgusting view of the dead body with a lot of blood. They show things like the person's brains blown out onto the pavement next to her head or the killer sticks his fingers in the bullet holes in the persons head and plays with it! Gross!